E-Ticket Week


To celebrate the upcoming release of The E-Ticket Life: Stories, Essays, and Lessons Learned from My Decidedly Disney Travels by Kyle Burbank, Laughing Place and Laughing Place Press recently held "E-Ticket Week" from June 15-19.

"E-Ticket Week" was a partnership between Laughing Place and various other sites from around the Disney fan community. A different site hosted an exclusive preview of The E-Ticket Life each day

 Monday, June 15: Aaron Wallace Online: http://www.aaronwallaceonline.com/?p=2000 

Featuring: "Yeah, But Which is Better" — A chapter from the book I choose for Aaron since he's a "champion of bi-coastal harmony"

It makes an incredible amount of sense that the Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Pod host and Thinking Fan's Guide to Walt Disney World author, Aaron Wallace, would be the first participant in E-Ticket Week. For one, Aaron (or Aaron Hoover Wallace, Esq., as I like to call him) will be providing the foreword for my little book. Aside from that, Aaron's role in the creation of the The E-Ticket Life (both directly and indirectly) is astonishing. I'm proud to consider him one of my best friends and am so honored to have him contribute to my publication. If you haven't read Aaron's book, The Thinking Fan's Guide to Walt Disney World: Magic Kingdom, he's just announced that the 2nd Edition will be debuting at the D23 Expo! Be sure to pick up a copy ASAP.

Tuesday, June 16: TheHappiestBlogOnEarth.net: http://www.thehappiestblogonearth.net/e-ticket-week-peter-pans-flight/

Featuring: "Peter Pan's Flight" — An essay from the book about my favorite attraction and why I think it appeals to Disney fans

I was somewhat surprised to learn that Brandon, who runs TheHappiestBlogOnEarth.net (and, coming soon, The Happiest Podcast on Earth) is only a junior in high school! And yet we both share the same generational tag: Millennial. We Millennials get a bad reputation in the news and in the mind of older generations —some of it warranted, but not all. So for Brandon's blog, I've selected a chapter that is not only about my favorite Disney attraction but also a defense of our generation.

Wednesday, June 17: Dizney Coast to Coast: http://www.dizneycoasttocoast.com/#!e-ticket-life/cfdl

Featuring: "Long Diz-tance" — An original story that serves as an abridged telling of one of the book's main storyline: My coast to coast romance with my now-wife.

Even though I've never had the pleasure of meeting Jeff DePaoli or Patrick Dougall, the hosts of the weekly podcast Dizney Coast to Coast, I sure feel like I can identify with them. The two friends started their show while one was living in Los Angeles and the other in Orlando. Similarly, when I started dating the woman I would soon marry, we had an LAX-MCO relationship. In both cases, the East Coasters moved west and now Dizney CTC can not only be found on iTunes but also on their YouTube channel as a near-seamless vidcast. While several of the stories in The E-Ticket Life talk about the progression of my relationship with my wife, it seemed appropriate to boil down the tale into one exclusive original piece about my own Disney coast to coast experience.

Thursday, June 18:  MouseInfo: http://www.mouseinfo.com/new/2015/06/sneak-peek-exclusive-chapter-single-rider-as-part-of-e-ticket-week/

Featuring: "Single Rider" — My chapter about learning to enjoy solo visits to the Disney parks

I'd consider myself to be a pretty shy person. That's probably why it took about half of dozen times seeing Becca from MouseInfo at various press events before I finally decided to introduce myself. Admittedly, I was glad I did because it was certainly nice to have a friend at such gatherings that I could talk to and, more importantly, ask dumb questions of. While navigating press events alone was a little out of my league, I am pretty well versed in visiting the parks alone. In fact, I sometimes wonder why more people don't do so. But I suppose I wasn't always that way... (cue reading of essay)

Friday, June 19: The Disneyland Gazette: http://disneylandgazette.com/news/2015/06/19/preview-opening-chapter-of-the-e-ticket-life.html

Featuring: "Disneyland Calling" —The opening chapter of the book about when I first really started loving Disneyland.

It's crazy to think that I've been on The Disneyland Gazette podcast for five years now. Even crazier is that I "knew" members of the original staff (Luke, Kenny, Chuck, Shawn, and Lee) from another podcast they did before starting the Gazette. In fact, in this opening chapter you'll see that their Disneyland podcast was what first inspired me to visit the parks more often and led to a deepening of my appreciation for The Happiest Place on Earth. The current Gazette staff — Luke, Kenny, and Connie — have been more than supportive of my role at Laughing Place and of this project, even changing our Twitter heading to my book's cover. I couldn't ask for better friends than them and I couldn't imagine a better way to end this E-Ticket Week.

Laughing Place Press would like to thank all of our partnering sites for making "E-Ticket Week" a success. The E-Ticket Life: Stories, Essays, and Lessons Learned from My Decidedly Disney Travels by Kyle Burbank is currently available for preorder at TheETicketLife.com. For information on the book or to request a review copy, please e-mail theeticketlife@gmail.com

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Kyle Burbank
Kyle is a writer living in Springfield, MO. His deep love of Disney and other pop culture finds its way into several aspects of his life and work. In addition to his position at LP, he's also the head writer for Fioney.com as well as his own personal finance site Moneyat30.com.