“The Astronaut Wives Club” is a BLAST


Hey. Why aren’t you watching The Astronaut Wives Club? No need to answer, it was rhetorical, as any answer you give isn’t a good enough excuse. This limited series, based on the best-selling non-fiction title of the same name, takes place during the height of the Space Race. 7 men have just gone from regular war veterans to American superstars overnight, as they are chosen to become the first American astronauts. Those 7 men’s wives go from housewives to the newest Jackie Os. Their meals, part dishes, clothing and interior design techniques are just a few of the benign items in their daily life that are now thrown into the public eye, scrutinized and idolized by millions.

The show follows the original Mercury 7, along with the occasional wife from later groups (Gemini, Apollo, etc.), as they band together to tackle the misogyny of NASA, their husbands efforts, and the national spotlight.

The show began in a much more lighthearted tone, yet with a fair share of drama throughout the way. Annie Glenn’s lisp, Rene Carpenter’s expose and yearning to get out of the home, and Trudy Cooper’s mission to get to space herself all have seen their fair share of airtime, and for good reason. Their stories are so unique, considering the time period, and the pressures they had to deal with are palpable.

The episode "Rendevous," was a heart-breaker, however. A plane crash caused two initial deaths among the women, showing NASA’s original repercussions from that as incredibly jarring and insulting. However, the finale scene of the show brings us the death of one of the Mercury 7 and the heartbreak that comes with it. What was originally billed as just a Mistresses type show set in the 60s has carved itself into a really interesting and moving look into a different perspective of the elusive fight for the moon.

The seven women all bring something different to the table, all of it being exceptional. The acting is superb (with Joanna Garcia stealing the show during the episode and Yvonne Strahovski the week before) and really makes me feel like I’m watching the real women live their lives.

This limited series is doing Mistresses-sized numbers, even bigger most nights. That show has had three seasons, and I don’t know if they will/can continue the story at all, but I want more of this brilliant program. Be sure to catch it Thursday nights at 8pm EST on ABC or on the WatchABC app to catch-up!

Side note: With a dialogue exchange like the following, how can you not love it?!

"Would you like a drink?"

-"Oh no, I don't drink during the day"

"...but half of your life is in the day?"


Marshal Knight
Marshal Knight is a pop culture writer based in Orlando, FL. For some inexplicable reason, his most recent birthday party was themed to daytime television. He’d like to thank Sandra Oh.