Video Pick: “On the Open Road” LIVE!

One of the highlights of the recently completed D23 Expo was the 20th anniversary reunion of The Goofy Movie. I think an event like this - with no new movie or theme park attraction to promote - is one of the greatest things the Expo has to offer. While I didn't make it to the presentation myself, I was very happy to hear it was well attended and came off very well. The Powerline Concert probably had the biggest buzz coming out of the event, but my favorite part was a live performance of "On the Open Road" with the voices of Goofy and Max - Bill Farmer and Jason Marsden.

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Doobie Moseley
Doobie is a co-owner of having founded the website with his wife Rebekah in 1999. He became a "hardcore" Disney fan in 1995. His favorite Disney film is Snow White and his all-time favorite attraction is the PeopleMover. Having lived near both Disneyland and Walt Disney World, he's visited them literally thousands of times. He currently lives in Nothern California with his wife and teenage son, but looks forward to living in Florida again soon. His absolutely favorite activity is going on a Disney cruise (he's done 12 as of February 2023).