Tsum Tsum Life: Bingo (HELP!!!)
I feel like I deserve a round of applause because I FINALLY conquered my biggest fear in this earthly realm, aka Mission Bingo Card No. 6 from the Tsum Tsum game. And boy, am I exhausted! I feel like the prize for defeating this should have been a 3-night cruise aboard the Disney Fantasy. It's been several days since I finished it, but my head still hurts.
For any of you still struggling, I felt compelled to share my tips and the Tsum Tsums that became my favorites along the way. But first, let me start with a list of the missions that I absolutely can't help you with at all because they are so ridiculous. Look!:
- Earn exactly 399 coins in 1 play - No more, no less. If you go over, life's tough. If you score under, life's tougher. Just keep playing, it will happen eventually. And while you play, curse the names of the people who chose this as a mission.
- Earn a score with a last digit of 3 - Again, just keep playing. It's dumb, the odds are 10:1 that this will happen. Curses!
There is one mission that simply requires you to play the heck out of this game. If you just keep playing, like, all day, every day for 3 days, you'll accomplish this one:
- Earn a total of 6,000 EXP (Waaaahahahaha!)
I hope you have her, and I hope she's at least at Skill 2 (and for some reason, regular Elsa is better than Surprise Elsa). Here's what Elsa can help you with:
- Use a Frozen Tsum Tsum to enter Fever 7 times in 1 play - This one's not too, too hard. You just have to be strategic about it. Save up Elsa's freezing power until right when your fever meter expires. Popping that many Tsum Tsums at once gets you close enough to resuming Fever Time.
- Create a "Fantastic" or better chain - ZOMG! A "Fantastic" chain is anything but because it requires you to connect 30 Tsum Tsums in the same chain at... the... Same... TIME! !!! ! !!! I mistakenly spent hours trying to do this with Oswald and Angel, but did you know you can stack up Elsa's ability? Yeah, after freezing the bottom few rows, if you keep popping Tsum Tsums above the frozen line you might be able to activate it again, freezing more rows. Pop them all at once and it counts as one "Fantastic" chain!!!
- 1,800 coins in 1 play - You might need to use bonus items, particularly 5>4 and +Coin, but this one shouldn't be too hard if you play a truly awesome game.
- Use the skill of a Tsum Tsum with tied hair 9 times in 1 play - JES! Elsa's hair is technically tied. Don't strategically wait to use her powers, use them the second you have it. It may take a couple of tries and I recommend using 5>4, but she can do this. You know she can!
- Earn 2,400,000 points in 1 play - The stars must be aligned when the Tsum Tsums fall into the game and you should also be using 5>4 and probably +score, but Elsa's got dis.
I was having a hard time with several missions. I started playing as Minnie to accomplish one in particular, but was SHOCKED when she proved way more useful than she seemed.
- Use Mickey and Friends to enter fever 8 times in 1 play - This is the one I originally tried to use Minnie for, and yes she can do it. She makes it easier to accomplish than Mickey or Donald. You can activate her ability before Fever Time is over, but wait to connect the chain of Mickeys/Minnies until you need the next Fever boost!
- Use a skill that calls a sweetheart to earn 1,700,000 points in 1 play - I want my mommy! This one is hard and takes a perfect game on top of 5>4, +time and +score. No real strategy other than never stop connecting chains and hold your breath while you play.
Whose got the sweetest disposition? Not Donald Duck, and certainly not you while trying to beat this mission. But there's really no other character that can do it. Other guides tell you to use Holiday Donald, and bless you if you have him. I don't, so I'm left with boring ol' Happiness Box Donald. But whatever, I'm not bitter or anything.
- Create a 250 combo in 1 play - A combo is created by continuing to link Tsum Tsums without pause. If too much time goes in between, the number resets, so don't stop. Don't panic, stay calm... but don't stop. On average, it's hard to get more than 80-90 combos with a regular Tsum Tsum. But Donald's special skill allows your to tap individual Tsum Tsums to pop them for a certain amount of time and each of these counts towards a combo. So again, don't stop, keep trying and be prepared to kiss the ground when you finally achieve this mission.
If you have Holiday Donald, then again, bless you. But if you don't, like me, Jack is your only hope. And if you don't have Jack, you've got jack!
- Use a Premium Box Tsum Tsum to do a 150 combo - Jack's special skill allows you to tap one Tsum Tsum and it well pop all connected like-Tsum Tsums that touch it. It's quicker than swiping, which is why if you play a stellar game, you can do this with Jack.
- Use a Tsum Tsum with a mouth to clear 4,200 Tsum Tsum in total - Seems weird that not all Tsum Tsums have mouths... but Jack does! And with his power, this one's not too difficult.
Preface: Honey Pooh is better than White Rabbit. Thankfully, I got him during the limited 30 day window he was available. If you don't have him, you'll need White Rabbit to help with these missions because they can stop time, allowing you to get closer to activating their next power.
- Enter fever 9 times in 1 play - This is mega-hard to do, even with stopping time. I recommend 5>4 +Time to get this done.
- Use the skill of a male Tsum Tsum 12 times in 1 play - This sexist mission is also super difficult... unless you can stop time. Good luck!
Seems kind of funny that the most powerful character from Bambi is on screen for about 3 minutes.
- Use Bambi series Tsum Tsum to pop a total of 200 Magical Bubbles - Yeah, Miss Bunny's power adds bubbles to the screen. She's the only one that makes sense to use here.
- Use a rabbit Tsum Tsum to earn 6,000 coins in total - This one is cumulative, so while trying to accomplish the previous mission, you will be secretly working towards this one.
- Pop 3 Time Bubbles - Since Miss Bunny brings in more bubbles, the likelihood of getting Time bubbles increases.
The wonderful thing about Tiggers is that they can beat this freakin' mission!!!
- Use a Happiness Box Tsum Tsum to earn 700 coins in 1 play - Okay, you have to use 5>4, +Coin and +Time and play a fantastic game on top of that, but Tigger is basically the only Happiness Box Tsum Tsum who earns enough coins to make this easy.
- Use skill of a feline Tsum Tsum 12 times in 1 play - While trying to get to 700 coins, you will probably come close to this with Tigger. But if you accomplish the other goal before hitting this, feel free to try other cats because in this case, Tigger is NOT the only one!
You're on your own for this one:
- Earn 450 EXP in 1 play - Wish on those stars, friend! The amount of experience you earn depends on a number of factors. Your best chance for success is if all 5 (or 4) Tsum Tsums in the current game are ones you actually own so that the combined score is greater than or equal to 450. There are certain Tsum Tsums that are more likely to appear depending on who you're playing as. Play around to determine which ones give you mostly Tsum Tsums you own, then add the 5>4 and +EXP bonus items.
For more Bingo fun, check out the vlog where I use Tsum Tsums to play Bingo IRL and still fail hard.