Last November, Marvel unleashed Jessica Jones on the world via Netflix. The show marks the second project released on the streaming service by Marvel following the success of Daredevil earlier in 2015 and stars Krysten Ritter (the titular ‘B’ who formerly resided in Apartment 23) and the David Tennant — A.K.A. the 10th Doctor. Jones is getting equally as much buzz as Mr. Murdock did (if not more), but, aside from the butt kicking she does on the show, Jessica also kills on Twitter.
The following are tweets from the Jessica Jones Twitter account and the reasons why you must follow her immediately:
1. She has celebrity admirers
2. She’s got wit for days
3. She knows how to smash a troll
4. She pulled off a “hack” of the Netflix Twitter account without it being hacky
5. She may even retweet you! (Hint, hint… please, Ms. Jones!)
Update: We got our wish!
So why aren’t you following her already? Do yourself a favor and get on it.