Disney Invades Easter and Your Local Pharmacy
I can’t believe that the Easter Bunny already came and went, visiting houses and leaving behind delicious chocolate, marshmallow goodies and jellybeans behind. But, if you’re like me, this holiday really did seem to sneak up on you. I’m not sure where this year has gone but I certainly feel behind the eight ball. I had a lot to do in order to get things (and treats) ready for the Easter Bunny. Thank goodness that my local Walgreens had me covered with some great Disney themed merchandise and candy. Everything I need can be found underneath one roof.
There are some wonderful baskets available for purchase in hard and soft material and multiple sizes. Of course, there’s Disney themed chocolates and, my personal favorite, medium sized plastic Easter eggs filled with gummies, lollipops, hard candy and stickers. But the real winners in the Easter aisle are the non-edible and inexpensive Disney themed items. It’s so nice to fill a basket with fun things other than candy. There’s puzzles, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, temporary tattoos and kites. No surprise the majority of the items are Star Wars The Force Awakens and Frozen themed but Mickey Mouse (and the fab 5) and Avengers can be found.
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So, whether you want some discount chocolate, decorations for next year, or just some fun items that also encourage outdoor fun in the sun, you may want to hop along to your nearest pharamacy to see what surprises are in store.