Avengers: Infinity War Featurette Analysis
When I was growing up, DC had sole control of box-office, comic book films. Starting with Superman in 1978 through 1989’s Batman (we’ll ignore Superman 4), my friends cruelly taunted me by boasting that DC ruled and Marvel films drooled. I would never concede the point, as I loved Spider-Man, Punisher and Wolverine, but a part of me had to admit that spoon-eyed Spidey films couldn’t compete. That all changed with X-Men in 2000. Finally, computer technology and visual effects caught up with the amazing mutations of the Marvel world, and what followed was a 17-year era of Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) domination. So when Joe Russo promises that Avengers: Infinity War (Parts 1 & 2) will be unlike anything we’ve ever seen, you can be assured that something special is on the way.

Set of Avengers: Infinity War
Tonight, Marvel Studios offered a peek at the sets, actors and story behind the May 2018 release of Avengers: Infinity War--Part One. Short on actual peeks, it did provide some interesting testimony about what producer Kevin Feige and directors Tony & Joe Russo have planned for this massive two film “culmination” of all things MCU.

Robert Downey Jr, Tom Holland, Chris Pratt
Flashes of Infinity Stones introduce us to the teaser-trailer, and lead into Day 1 of the new series’ shooting. We quickly are shown the only real behind-the-scene look, a green screen studio filled with an other-worldly set, a planet with jagged, rocky landscapes. Planted front and center are Robert Downey, Jr., Tom Holland and Chris Pratt. Pratt alone is in costume as Peter Quill. He and Downey, Jr. offer some thoughts on the process, but Holland’s personal story about being a young fan of the first Avengers film and now starring in one truly casts a light on how magical these films can be. The actors are fans themselves, and that can only be good for the franchise.
Feige assures viewers that Marvel has intentionally been planning these films for years, that they have building to this ultimate showdown across movies and over the years. As he speaks we see an unfocused pan across…can it be...the Infinity Gauntlet! Chills! Soft, hazy chills, but shivers nonetheless. Feige goes on to say that Captain America: Civil War was a necessary predecessor to Infinity War. The Avengers had to be in turmoil in order for the threat of Thanos to truly resonate with fans.
Tony Russo supports this by adding that the Avengers and Earth are most vulnerable by this superhero schism. As the Avengers are unprepared for Thanos’ might, we could be witness to the most depressing of Marvel films we’ve ever seen…and Civil War was pretty depressing. (If rumors are true, Part One will probably show Thanos rise to power, Earth sink to his dominion, and the Avengers without completely powerless.) Russo goes on to tell us that Stark has been suspecting an extra-terrestrial threat since the events of Avengers, and Thanos delivers on that threat with spades.

One shot of a Thanos concept drawing shows a very large, buff, bald and purple baddie. It sort of resembles Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. No matter, he looks quite intimidating and quite capable of fulfilling all promises of ultimate evil.

Avengers Meet Guardians
The teaser is filled out with a promise by Feige that the Avengers will meet the Guardians of the Galaxy (yes!), and, again, with Joe Russo hyping the films to be like nothing we’ve ever seen before. The nearly 4 minute video ends with a previously seen end-of-credits scene where Thanos is donning the Infinity Gauntlet for the first time, though without any of the Infinity Stones.
All-in-all, the teaser trailer delivers a few nuggets, but is very light on actual movie scenes or info. And that is okay. Too often these days, the previews show the entire movie. They give away key plot points and even third-act resolution. A little mystery is a good thing. With Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, and Thor: Ragnarok coming out this year (and Star Wars: Episode 8--The Last Jedi), we should have enough fanboy and fangirl goodness to hold us over until May 2018.

Avengers: Infinity War
So move over, DC. Nothing I’ve seen about Wonder Woman or Justice League even comes close to the enthusiasm I feel about Avenger: Infinity War after seeing this teaser--and those films have full blown previews. Marvel has come into its own. I knew I was right.