10 Things You Might Not Know About Mark Hamill

Happy #JediDay to Mark Hamill and Star Wars fans everywhere! Today is a big day for Hamill as he receives his Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. You know him and love as Luke Skywalker in George Lucas' original saga, and as the voice of the Joker in Batman the Animated Series. But did you know he has over 300 acting credits in movies, television, and video games? We know Luke, and we know the Joker, but do we know Mark? Here are 10 things about the actor that you might not know.

1. He became a Disney Legend along with Star Wars costar, Carrie Fisher in 2017

2. He’s been married to Marilou York since 1978 and they have three children Nathan, Griffin, and Chelsea and one grandchild.

3. He comes from a big family. He's the fourth of seven children and has two brothers and four sisters.

4. His father was a US Navy Captain and was stationed in Japan during his junior and senior and years. He attended Nile C. Kinnick High School in Yokosuka, Japan and was part of their Drama Club.

5. According to his IMDb quotes, as a kid he wanted to be a cartoonist:

I never saw myself so much as an actor. I wanted to be a cartoonist like Charles M. Schulz and create my own world and be able to have a studio at home and not commute and be able to be with my family. I just didn't have the skills to pull that off and so I've gravitated toward theater because I like all of it
6. He’s performed on Broadway in The Elephant Man, Amadeus, Harrigan ‘n Hart, The Nerd, and Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks.

7. He and his family support several charities and causes including, Make a Wish, End Hunger Network, March of Dimes, and Precious Paws among others.


8. He created and co-wrote The Black Pearl comic, which was published by Dark Horse Comics 

9. He’s very active on social media. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram

10. Yesterday he set to work clearing a spot for his Star in place of Jimmy Kimmel's, check it out below:

You can read our recap of the ceremony right here. Congratulations on your Hollywood Walk of Fame Star, Mark!