Blu-Ray Review: A Wrinkle in Time

“There really is such a thing as a tesseract.” This line by Reese Witherspoon’s Mrs. Whatsit sends Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin Harris on an incredible adventure that defies the laws of space and time. Madeline L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time finally receives a film adaptation that lives up to the magic of the book and fans can now cherish this heartwarming adventure again and again on Blu-Ray, DVD, and digital.

Dr. Murry has been missing for years, leaving behind his daughter Meg and adopted son Calvin Harris, who have wondered what really happened to him. When three celestial beings named Mrs. Who, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Which arrive in their backyard, they find themselves on an interstellar adventure to use the light inside of them to defeat the darkness in the universe.

Director Ava Duvernay’s vision for the film was to have a diverse cast, based on a line from the book that reads “Like and equal are not the same thing.” The visual style is bold, daring, and inventive, departing from the book’s 1962 character descriptions in order to push boundaries in 2018. The bonus features on this release help audiences understand these choices and reveal details that likely went unnoticed when you watched the film.

The three Mrs. are played by Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon, and Mindy Kaling, who are all delightful in their ethereal roles. But it’s the three child actors that ground the film and hold it all together, played by Storm Reid (Meg), Deric McCabe (Charles Wallace), and Levi Miller (Calvin). Their powerful performances will take you through the spectrum of emotions, arriving it a joyous and peaceful place.

A Wrinkle in Time has an amazing story that has charmed generations of readers, spectacular casting, and jaw-dropping visual effects. It’s a story of hope, inspiring viewers to find the light inside of them and use it to stop the spread of darkness in the world. I hope it ignites something in you the way it did for me.

This review covers all of the contents of the Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital HD Combo Pack. It is also available in a standalone DVD release, as well as digitally from all major providers. A fourth buying option offers the film in 4K Ultra-HD where it is paired with the Blu-Ray disc and a digital copy.

Bonus Features

  • A Journey Through Time (30:28) – This thorough behind-the-scenes feature includes talking head interviews with the cast and creative team, behind the scenes footage, and insight into the locations, sets, and costumes.
  • Deleted Scenes (9:36) – Four deleted scenes are presented with optional commentary by Director Ava Duvernay.
    • Ant on a String (1:54) – Meg and her mother explain tessering to Calvin.
    • Aunt Beast (3:26) – Meg is brought to peace by cuddling with a large hairy being named Aunt Beast.
    • Meg Learns About Calvin’s Dad (1:26) – Calvin opens up to Meg about his verbally abusive father.
    • Paper Girl (2:36) – A girl on Camazots confronts Meg and tries to make her feel bad about her appearance.
  • Audio Commentary (1;49:37) – Director Ava DuVernay leads this commentary track that dives deep into the themes, adaptation, and behind the scenes process. She is joined by Producer Jim Whitaker, Co-Writer Jennifer Lee, Production Designer Naomi Shohan, 1’s AD Michael Moore, Editor Spencer Averick, and VFX Supervisor Rich McBride.
  • Original Songs Music Videos
    • “I Believe” performed by DJ Khaled Featuring Demi Lovato (3:46) – Demi Lovato takes on the role of a Mrs. In this music video that incorporates locals from the film along with clips.
    • “Warrior” performed by Chloe X Halle (4:02) – The duo uses an elevator and spinning cameras to perform their song with cameos by Storm Reid and Rowan Blanchard.
  • Bloopers (1:36) – The cast forget lines, goof off, and make mistakes in this short blooper reel.
Digital Exclusives
  • Deleted Scenes – Both available with and without commentary.
    • Kids in Bed Looking at Stars (1:40) – Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin talk while looking at stars on their bedroom ceiling.
    • Meg and Calvin Survive (1:08) – Meg and Calvin share a moment of relief after landing on top of the wall on Camazotz.
The only bonus features on the DVD are the two music videos.


This visually striking film looks glorious on Blu-Ray where the wide ranging color spectrum is handled with great care. Dark blanks are rich and inky, bright colors leap off the screen. Several scenes contain beauty rivaled only by Avatar and high definition is definitely the best way to view the film at home.

The DVD compresses the color spectrum, making extreme bright and dark colors feel dull. There is also a lot of detail lost, particularly on costumes and the film’s lush backgrounds.


The Blu-Ray presents the film in English 7.1 DTS-HD Master Audio. This engrossing mix surrounds you with effects and score, creating an immersive and full sound. Other audio options on Blu-Ray include English 2.0 Descriptive Audio, plus French and Spanish 5.1 tracks. The DVD replaces the 7.1 HD mix with a 5.1 Dolby Digital, but includes all other audio options.

Packaging & Design

The Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital combo pack comes in a standard Blu-Ray case with disc holders on both interiors. The slipcover features prismatic reflective elements and a little embossing. Inserts include a code for your Movies Anywhere digital copy and a flier for Disney Movie Club.

Both discs open with ads for Incredibles 2. Selecting Sneak Peeks from the main menu plays an additional ad for Disney Movie Rewards. The main menu features tesser wrinkles that fold to reveal clips from the film.

Final Thoughts

Disney’s A Wrinkle in Time is a beautiful film that deserves your attention. Like the best Disney adventures, it contains magical worlds, strong characters, and inspiring themes. This film is worthy of everyone’s attention.

Alex Reif
Alex joined the Laughing Place team in 2014 and has been a lifelong Disney fan. His main beats for LP are Disney-branded movies, TV shows, books, music and toys. He recently became a member of the Television Critics Association (TCA).