Comic Review – “Thor #1”
Thor has got his groove back. No longer disgraced, the god of thunder is back battling against the evils that are still plaguing the many realms of the world. Odin is working tirelessly to rebuild the ruined Asgard. These are the circumstances that readers walk into with Thor #1. Readers have to split their time between two different periods: ‘God of Thunder Reborn’ and ‘The Grace of Thor’. In both stories, Thor is standing tall.
‘God of Thunder Reborn’ has Thor searching across the realms for the lost weapons of Asgard, while battling the likes of Juggernaut and Namor. Even with Malekith waging war in the galaxy, Thor is forced to confront the idea that though he is the god of thunder again, he still can’t wield Mjolnir. However, he certainly can pack a mean punch.
Oh and not to trust Loki, ever!
In ‘The Grace of Thor’, readers are transported to eons past the present day, where Thor has rebuilt a desolated Earth. Jane Foster has died, and though Thor created her from ash and clay to help rebuild Earth, her loss is a deep scar to the god.
With his granddaughters at his side, Thor buries Jane, and learns that though he saved Earth, the galaxy is dying. In his anger and despair, Thor encounters a person from the past who is always willing to fight.
My Opinion
Thor has been dishonored, lost the ability to wield his hammer Mjolnir, and now with the start of Thor #1, the god of thunder is finally getting his life back in order. No longer a disgrace, a sideshow to the power of others, Thor can finally reclaim his rightful place, unfortunately, the realms are in a mess.
Malekith is waging war around the galaxy, Asgard is in shambles, Thor has many weapons, multiple enemies to battle, and a brother he can’t trust. Dragged to Niffleheim, Thor and Loki are about to embark on a battle that can only mean more devastation.
Then the comic shifts gears and jumps through time to a wise older Thor with grandkids. He has successfully rebuilt Earth, but for Thor, the battle is in the stars, trying to restart the dying universe. Not much point in having a successful healthy world, if the galaxy surrounding it is dying.
Thor is a fighter. To see him actively bashing skulls and standing tall is something that all comic readers should enjoy, as I did. I do wish the comic ended with Thor and Loki landing in Niffleheim. I didn’t need to see ‘The Grace of Thor’ and the future where Earth may have been rebuilt, but there is unending doom in the galaxy.
Thor is best paired with Loki, and when we get those few scenes in the first half of Thor #1 it’s perfect. Writer Jason Aaron gives us that hateful but amusing to watch relationship between Thor and Loki in just a brief few pages, and it is so much fun to watch.
I have always found I connect better with Thor when the brother dynamic with Loki is front and center. Perhaps it’s the fact that I have two brothers and the banter of Thor and Loki is fun to watch, and maybe brings up a few memories.
Jason Aaron has done a terrific job in giving Thor a range throughout the two stories. We see happy Thor, mournful Thor, the dutiful son, and the responsible brother. Thor can be stereotyped as the big dull strongman, and it’s nice to see in Thor #1 a range that hasn’t always been evident on the comic page.