Adventures by Disney South Africa Animal Kingdom 20th Anniversary Safari Day 9: The Big Five

If you are just joining the adventure, we are exploring the wonders of South Africa with Adventures by Disney and we invite you to catch up on all you have missed here.

Morning Game Drive

Today's goal was finding that last of the "big five" (rhino, elephant, leopard, African buffalo, and lion) and our morning drive we really went off road looking to no avail. But as you can see, we did see many amazing animals including a herd of elephants playing in a water hole. But as they moved, our ranger Rossie took off around the back because he saw a leopard, or as some of the other rangers teased him, a "warthog that just looked like a leopard." Once again, the last of our check off list alluded us.

Archery and Beading with Lunch

I have to say this afternoon was one of my favorites. We had the chance to learn archery from an amazing husband and wife. Everyone really got into it and took as many turns as they could, including me. I would still be there if they let me. It was a great hands-on adventure and I even took the time to do some beading which was also fun, just not as much fun as shooting with a bow and arrow.

Post archery, as we waited to hear if our evening game drive was going to happen or not due to lightning and rain in the area, two mother warthogs and their babies were very close to the lodge area of this beautiful hotel.

Evening Game Drive

Unfortunately, our evening game drive was in threat of being canceled due to the weather, but as the storm was still far enough away, we were given the chance to head out.

Of course, our goal again was to find the last of the Big Five, but on the way to where our tracker Collen had figured they would be, we came across a small group of lionesses just sleeping in the sun.

After putting a few kilometers between us and the lodge we finally did it: we saw the last of the Big Five!

Now, with the rain starting to come down and lighting all around, we had to turn and go back — but not until after we saw the lionesses we left sleeping just a few minutes ago leaving the dry lake bed, walking right past us.

Farewell Dinner

The farewell dinner was very touching and fun. With a local group of singers and dancers kicking off the evening, we had both Kira and Craig our AbD guides share some great thoughts and memories of this once-in-a-lifetime tour. Over the past nine days, we have all gotten to know each other and everyone has become family. The night was topped off with Mark and Joe singing a few songs Joe had written about our experience. Don't worry, video will come in a recap in a few days.

In the meantime, sleep is calling my brain and thankfully because our evening drive was cut short, by request, we get to go out early tomorrow. So, signing off from South Africa .

Jeremiah Good
Our main correspondent for Walt Disney World and the Orlando area and a heck of a paleontologist if he does say so himself.