The Cast and Crew of “Captain Marvel” Share their 90s Obsessions

We had the good fortune to attend the Captain Marvel press junket a few weeks ago with the film’s stars and directors. Throughout the conference, there were many interesting tidbits shared about the cast, filming, creating this iteration of the character, and most importantly discussion of 90s nostalgia.

During the film, our hero crashes through a Blockbuster video store and we are instantly transported to back to 1995. So naturally, discussion circled around to selecting music from the decade and favorite things from the 90s the cast absolutely loved.

  • Ryan Fleck on music: “Oh yeah, we started, we made like a big playlist at the beginning of the movie and we shared it with the crew and some of the cast and… some of those songs are in the movie, but it was really just… in post, we put the scenes together and just threw songs in and see what stuck. It was…very much a collaboration with Kevin [Feige] and the whole, the whole team at Marvel, to figure out which songs really worked the best. I actually worked at a Blockbuster in 1995, so… that brought back a lot of memories, creating that set.
  • Anna Boden on snacks:  “I was a big candy eater in the ’90s, so there was a lot of, you know, even -- do you remember those like little like kangaroo things that you could like Dunkaroos.” Brie Larson: “Yes, Dunakroos!  Frosting!” Anna Boden: “I liked the kind of the vanilla with the little chocolate… Anyways. You [Brie] don’t eat enough in the movie, so basically--we couldn’t get those Dunkaroos in.”

Later the cast was asked if there was anything from the 90s they wanted to come back or were obsessed with:

  • Ryan Fleck was a big fan of VHS tapes, while Anna Boden misses pay phones. She claims, “Because then I wouldn’t have to check my email all the time.” Ah, yes the burden of newer and better technology!

  • Clark Gregg said, “I wish MTV had videos again. I mean, not just ’90s MC Hammer, which were awesome, but just videos, music videos.”
  • Jude Law also opted for music, “I was a big fan of the band The Verve. They were The Verve and then they were just Verve.
  • Sticking with the music theme, Lashana Lynch said, “R&B. Just R&B. 90s R&B was the truth, man. The truth! I’m going to actually start a campaign to bring back ’90s R&B.”

  • Gemma Chan said she was a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer to which the audience responded with applause.
  • Samuel L. Jackson very seriously claimed obsession with laser discs. Larson chimed in, “He is very passionate about laser discs, by the way. That’s not a joke.” She on the other hand adored butterfly clips.
  • And for Marvel president Kevin Feige? “Video stores. I miss walking around video stores.”

You too can take a trip back in time to 1995 when Captain Marvel hits theaters on March 8th. Curious to know more about the film? Check out Alex’s and Bekah’s reviews.