Hollywood’s El Capitan Hosts “Captain Marvel” Fans in Opening Night Event

Eager fans of Captain Marvel, the latest offering in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, were hosted at an opening night event at Hollywood’s legendary El Capitan Theatre. The sold-out evening was hosted by Nerdist on Thursday, March 7th.

Arriving at the El Capitan, guests found lobby displays of costumes worn by Brie Larson as Captain Marvel. While the costumes were sealed in glass cases, guests were welcome to step into a photo op in a vintage phone booth, just like ones that could be seen in the film’s setting, the 1990s.

Inside the auditorium, the 90’s vibe continued with a live DJ spinning the hits. Guests were encouraged to rock their own 90’s look, and a group joined the DJ on stage for an informal costume contest. A group of Captain Marvels took the stage as well.

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Just before the 6:00 showtime, Sam Maggs of Nerdist welcomed the crowd. Maggs, an authority on women in pop culture, talked about
 Captain Marvel before offering door prizes.

On the way out of the theater, every attendee was given a themed popcorn bucket—either Captain Marvel or a Skrull. Inside was a specially produced coin to commemorate the night, as well as a Captain Marvel patch. For guests seeking more swag, the Ghirardelli Soda Fountain and Studio Store next door was well stocked.

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Captain Marvel is now playing in theatres everywhere and will perform at the El Capitan Theatre through March 24th.