“Avengers: Endgame” Happy Meal Toys Arrive at McDonald’s
Disney’s renewed partnership with McDonald’s continues with Avengers: Endgame. Starting today, April 23, fans can pick up an Endgame Happy Meal. In addition to exclusive Avengers toys, the experience extends to the McDonald’s mobile app, where families can unlock a team of seven virtual Avengers and get an exclusive behind-the-scenes video from the movie.
(UPDATE (6/12/19): The latest McDonald's Happy Meal toys have arrived, this time featuring characters from Pixar's Toy Story 4.)
The full-line consists of 24 toys, with two of them being “mystery” toys. In addition, McDonald’s will feature Endgame-themed white milk jugs, apple slices, and Go-Gurt
At the recent Avengers: Endgame junket, we got a sneak peek at some of the Happy Meal toys.
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Characters Featured:
- #1: Captain America
- #2: Iron Man
- #3: Team Suit Hulk
- #4: Rocket
- #5: Captain Marvel
- #6: Team Suit Black Widow
- #7: Ant-Man
- #8: Hulk
- #9: Team Suit Nebula
- #10: War Machine
- #11: Team Suit Rocket
- #12: Team Suit Thor
- #13: Nebula
- #14: Team Suit Iron Man
- #15: Team Suit Captain America
- #16: Black Widow
- #17: Team Suit War Machine
- #18: Team Suit Hawkeye
- #19: [Mystery]
- #20: Ronin
- #21: Team Suit Ant-Man
- #22: Thor
- #23: Thanos
- #24: [Mystery]