Toy Review: “Frozen 2” Fan Fest Roundup from Hasbro (Dolls, Figures, Monopoly, Play-Doh, Trouble)

Frozen II is just over two weeks away and our friends at Hasbro surprised us with a giant box of merchandise as a part of #FrozenFanFest. Inside the giant chest were an assortment of dolls, action figures, and play sets, in addition to Frozen-ified versions of classic Hasbro products like Play-Doh, Monopoly, and Trouble.

Singing Dolls

Hasbro’s singing Elsa and Anna dolls feature light-up chest accents that project designs onto their dress. Elsa projects snowflakes while Anna shows fall leaves. Elsa sings the chorus of “Into the Unknown” and Anna sings the chorus of “The Next Right Thing.” Both dolls are in their signature looks from Frozen II and are a great choice for kids starting their Frozen toy collection.

Arendelle Fashion Dolls

Kids who prefer a dress-up aspect to their dolls will want the Arendelle Fashion Dolls. Anna and Elsa come in their nightgowns from the film and can change into their Arendelle daytime looks.

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Elsa and the Nokk Playset

Kids who fall in love with the water spirit (the Nokk) can add it to their collection in this playset that comes with an Elsa doll. This is the only way to get Elsa in her watery look and this doll’s hair features iridescent strands. The horse itself is transparent when held up to the light.

Sister Styles Dolls

I was sent Anna, but you can also get Elsa in this same configuration. Her hair is longer and it comes with a tool that makes tight braids. You use a special comb to separate three strands and a hook to thread them into the machine. Pulling a trigger causes the strands of hair to overlap each other and you can control the length of the braid. The doll includes extra rubber bands and two themed hair clips.

Standard Dolls

In addition to the above play sets and fashion dolls, you can buy individual dolls the old fashioned way. My box included one of Lieutenant Mattias, whose outfit includes some cool plastic shoulder pads.

Sledding Adventures Playset

The Sledding Adventures Playset appears to give the most bang for your buck, with three dolls (Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff) in their signature looks in addition to an Olaf and Sven figure and a sleigh. Comparing the $15 cost of the dolls sold separately with the $79.99 suggested retail price, you’d expect the quality of the other figures to be really great. Sadly, Olaf’s only point of articulation as his arms and the sleigh easily comes apart, making for frustrating playtime.

Action Figures

Frozen II action figures are sold individual and in play sets. I received two play sets, the first called “Frozen Adventure Collection” includes Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, Sven, and Gale. The “Family Set” includes Queen Iduna, young Elsa, young Anna, and Olaf. The individual figure in my box was a new character named Honeymaren.

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Pop Adventures

“Pop Adventures” is a toy collection that includes squishy mini action figures that come in jewel case blind boxes. You can also get play sets, like the one for Elsa’s bedroom. They’re reminiscent of “Polly Pocket,” but on a larger scale and the squishy texture makes them a lot more fun.

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Play-Doh Mysteries Snow globe Playset

This is the coolest Play-Doh set I’ve ever seen! It includes an Elsa figure, a dome, twist able play-dog cutter, and eight mystery shapes. I got Anna, Bruno, earth giants, Olaf, and the base has additional shapes. You get four color Play-Doh tubs and a larger tub of white dough to make the snow. You load it into the twistable gutter and set it on top of the dome. As you twist, it cuts tiny snowflake shapes and drops them onto the scene you create inside.

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Frozen II Monopoly

The classic game of Monopoly gets a Frozen makeover. Instead of property, you’re buying up memories and the game board tells the story of both Frozen films as you travel around the board. A new level of play includes the snowflake, which can be unlocked by landing on a specific space or through some of the Royal Decree or Family Crest cards. The player has to share a favorite memory and then gets to place the snowflake on a memory they own, doubling the price of the next player to visit. The themed pawns and houses and castles add a magical touch to family game night.

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Trouble: Olaf’s Ice Adventure

The classic game of Trouble gets an icy overlay, literally. The four Olaf pawns have a midsection made of ice and the mold that comes with the game makes it easy to set up. The object is to be the last Olaf standing with an icy midsection, which is not easy when your turn could find you submerging him in an ice bath, pouring water over him, or shaking ice on top.

All of these and more great Frozen II products from Hasbro are now available in a toy aisle near you.

Alex Reif
Alex joined the Laughing Place team in 2014 and has been a lifelong Disney fan. His main beats for LP are Disney-branded movies, TV shows, books, music and toys. He recently became a member of the Television Critics Association (TCA).