In 1940 Walt Disney Animation Studios released Fantasia, a beautiful film that consisted of seven animated segments set to classic music including, “The Nutcracker Suite” and “Night on Bald Mountain.” Among those was “The Sorcerer's Apprentice” which featured Mickey Mouse learning to hone his magic skills under the tutelage of Master Yen Sid. This week, shopDisney revealed new items that pay homage to the animated classic.
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Fantasia Items on shopDisney
This past Friday marked the 80th anniversary of Walt Disney’s animated masterpiece, Fantasia. To commemorate the milestone, shopDisney has introduced new items inspired by Mickey in the iconic sorcerers scene and we’ve gathered them right here! Aside from his classic red pants and yellow bow tie, the Sorcerer Mickey look is one of the most recognizable styles for the mouse. And now you can bring him home with a variety of collectible merchandise.
For the Collector
Magical Fashion
Fun Figures for Around the House