TV Recap: “Gabby Duran and the Unsittables” Season 2 Premiere – “Mom Wipe”
Disney Channel’s hit intergalactic comedy series Gabby Duran and the Unsittables returned on June 4th with the premiere of the show’s second season. Last season ended on a cliffhanger, with Gabby’s mom discovering that Principal Swift and Jeremy are aliens. In “Mom Wipe,” we learn what happened next. Here’s a recap of this latest episode.

(Disney/Jeff Petry)
While Gabby and Olive scream in response to their mom’s surprise appearance in Principal Swift’s basement, Jeremy and Principal Swift scream and accidentally transform into their alien forms. Dina hits her head on Orb and gets temporarily knocked unconscious. With the rest of the group calming down, Gabby says “Welcome back, everybody.”
Dina wakes up strapped to a chair by green glowing bands, alone in the basement. She yells for her children and Gabby comes in alone. Dina thinks her daughter got away from the aliens somehow, but Gabby comes clean, explaining that she’s known that Principal Swift and Jeremy are aliens for a long time and that she babysits aliens. “What have they done to you? You’ve been brainwashed!,” Dina says, alarmed. Gabby tells her that she’s learning about new cultures and technology. “Babysitting aliens is what I’m meant to do. In fact, I’m kind of the best babysitter in the galaxy.” Dina wants to go to the police and Olive comes in, asking Gabby to come back upstairs. As they leave, Dina threatens to take away Olive’s library card if she doesn’t untie her.
When Gabby and Olive get upstairs, they hear Principal Swift talk about wiping this memory away from Dina’s mind. Gabby would rather try and get her mom to understand and accept that they’re aliens and peaceful. She begs them to wait upstairs while she continues talking to her mom. But back downstairs, she finds the chair tipped over, green bands broken and Dina is gone. She runs upstairs and yells “Guys, we have a problem!” Just then, Dina grabs Gabby and already has Olive by the arm, dragging them towards the front door. She still thinks both of her daughters have been brainwashed by alien invaders. Principal Swift finds them arguing by the front door and uses a remote device to freeze Dina in place, her skin glowing with a green pattern. Gabby accepts defeat, saying “Looks like we have to find a way to wipe my mom’s memory.”
Since Principal Swift has to deal with Dina, he has sent Jeremy to school in his place for staff picture day. But Jeremy has other plans, deciding to enroll his child form as a new student and use his Principal Swift disguise to cause as much mayhem as possible. He makes an announcement that everyone should welcome the new student Jeremy from “Realtopia” and Jeremy starts playing pranks the moment he enters the hallway in his human child disguise.
Gabby asks Sky to come over, asking her to use her telepathic powers to help remove her mom’s memory of discovering aliens. Sky says she’s not focused enough to do it, but her dad has a substance called “Psychrotonium” that helps telepaths amplify their psychic powers. If they can get it, Sky could help Gabby get inside her mom’s head to find that memory and destroy it. Orb announces that Dina’s stasis state will wear off in three hours and Principal Swift reminds Gabby that if they don’t fix her memory before then, she will be “Dealt with.” Before she leaves, Gabby promises her unresponsive mother that she will fix this.
At school, Jeremy brags to a class of eager listeners about how he’s eaten so many tiger stakes that he’s sick of them. A voice comes on the PA system asking for Principal Swift and Jeremy runs off, transforming and entering the office to find a student complaining about Jeremy and telling him she couldn’t find any information online about him and that “Realtopia” isn’t a real place. After finding out that she hasn’t told anybody else about her concerns, Jeremy (as Principal Swift) suspends her.
Sky brings Gabby and Wesley to her house where her dad had lots of telepath friends over to watch the Cortex Cup, using headset devices to bring the intergalactic game into their heads. They wander around the house with their eyes closed eating vegetables and cheering. Because Sky is a telepath, if she enters the house they will sense her. Gabby goes in and Sky helps from the window to lead her in the right direction. Meanwhile, Dina’s yellow glowing pattern start to glitch and Orb announces that her calculation was off and she now estimates that Dina’s stasis will expire in thirty minutes.
Gabby finds the “Psychrotonium” in the back pocket of Sky’s dad and successfully sneaks it out. But as she’s about to leave the house, she gets a text message alert that snaps everyone out of their state, opening their eyes and seeing her. The text is from Olive, asking Gabby to get back ASAP. Gabby tells Sky’s dad that she wanted to watch the Cortex Cup, making up facts that she presumes about the game as she backs away towards the door and leaves. Sky’s dad can’t believe how much she knows about the Cortex Cup, revealing that all of her guesses were accurate about the game.
Back in the basement with the “Psychrotonium,” Sky takes off her wig and rubs it on her head, causing it to glow. She holds Dina’s hand and extends her other arm out to Gabby. As soon as Gabby touches Sky’s hand, she gets transported inside her mom’s mind, which looks like the cosmos. As she touches each bright orb, she sees the memory inside, finding lots of them from her youth (and the previous season). There are so many memories to look through that Gabby doesn’t think she will be able to find the right one when she hears her mom’s voice ask “What are you doing here?” Gabby turns around, meeting her mother’s subconscious, a physical representation of Dina inside her mind. Gabby tells her that her mother is in danger if she doesn’t destroy this memory and her mom’s subconscious calls Gabby “Impressive.” Gabby becomes a little misty eyed, saying she wishes her mother would say that. Dina’s subconscious plays a memory for Gabby of her mother holding her as a baby, promising to always protect her. Gabby tells the subconscious that she needs Dina to trust her now. Dina’s subconscious plucks an orb from the cosmos and holds it out to Gabby, saying “We trust you.”
Jeremy’s reign of terror on the school is brought to an end when the board confronts him about the random student suspensions and how Principal Swift has allowed a new student named Jeremy to do whatever he wants without consequences. Principal Swift tells the superintendent that he’d fired. “You can’t fire me, I’m your boss.” Jeremy (as Principal Swift) asks if they would believe that he hit his head in a boating accident. When they say no, he grabs a bunch of stuff from his desk and promises that he will have a different explanation for his behavior tomorrow. “Cheerio!”
Dina wakes up in her home, unable to remember what happened after she realized she couldn’t find Olvia. Gabby and Olive lie about having helped their mom to bed and Gabby offers to take care of dinner by finding a pizza place. “Okay, I trust you,” Dina tells her daughter. Gabby gives her a big hug and thanks her. Gabby leaves and Olive chases after her, announcing that she has coupons. “Those girls can be so odd sometimes,” Dina says as she pulls flowers from a vase and starts eating them, apparently a side-effect of having had her memories altered.
Gabby Duran and the Unsittables will return next Friday, June 11th, with another new episode called “Gabby’s Big Break.” Here’s the official episode description from Disney Channel.
Gabby has trouble stepping away when Swift makes her take a break from babysitting.