Disney Enchantment, the brand new nighttime spectacular at the Magic Kingdom is the next step in fireworks, which to me is also taking a few steps back. Being a Disneyland kid, I grew up with the fireworks shows being a salute to the then and now of the Disney Company with the latest film or anniversary. But, in 2003, Wishes: A Magical Gathering of Disney Dreams changed fireworks forever. Whereas fireworks prior to Wishes were a mix of Disney music with pyro in the sky, Wishes became a “nighttime spectacular” or as I called it a destination show. Guests would find their spots hours ahead to have that prime view. In other words, it set the bar so high — and that is the thing that hurts Enchantment the most.
Enchantment is a beautiful show with stunning projections, great music, and of course pyro that just makes the night come alive. Showcasing music from Moana to Pixar’s Soul, this show is designed for the now, but it has great nods to the past with The Little Mermaid, Beauty and The Beast, and even as far back as “Night on Bald Mountain” from Fantasia. I personally think this show will quickly become a fan favorite… once we all give it a chance and stop expecting Disney to “follow pigs with pigs” and embrace the change.
I am a firm believer that fireworks are something that must be seen in person to feel and hear to truly be judged, but if your next visit isn’t planned yet and you do want to see this fun new show, you can check out our video: