The Last Two Episodes of “The Owl House” Season 2 Change Everything

Due to personal and family reasons, I unfortunately missed last week’s episode upon its premiere. However, knowing what was ahead in terms of the story and the imminent Day of Unity, I decided to wait until today and watch the final two episodes of season two of The Owl House in one fell swoop, and boy. What?!?

Let’s kick off with last week’s episode. Clouds on the Horizon. For many fans, this is already old news. We open up on Belos/Phillip firing up the portal door and talking with the Collector, who is reminding him of the promise that he made to release him. Let’s be real, this man hasn’t kept his end of any deal that he’s ever made, so let’s see how this works out for him.

The Day of Unity is upon us, and Kikimora, fresh off her demotion, is rounding up more abomatons from the Blight family. The Blight children however, need to stop their mother and decide to go to their father for help. However, they get caught in the act and are grounded. Which, for the Blight children, means imprisoned by abomination soldiers.

Back at the headquarters for the CATS, a plan is being made to stop the Day of Unity. Belos has plans in place should any of the coven heads go missing, with replacements in order. However, Eda’s curse could essentially taint the draining spell so a plan is conceived that will see Eda cloaked in an illusion, disguising herself as Raine (sigil and all) that way her curse can stop the draining spell at its source. She would also be flanked by Eberwolf and Darius who would keep their eyes on the other coven heads.

Ships are all making their way to the Titan’s head where the Day of Unity will take place, and we learn that Luz has carved her palistrom wood in the shape of an egg, that way the palisman can decide what creature it would like to be. Eda knows that Luz also has her eyes set on saving her grounded girlfriend, and further exemplifying her character’s turn as more of a mother figure from a cool witch friend, supports the decision encouraging both her and King in their prospects. Now, all the adults are enacting their plan leaving Luz and King on the sidelines but Luz pulls Raine aside and makes them promise to protect Eda at all costs, which they do.

Luz gets brought down from the ships to meet the security escort that Darius has arranged, which consists of Willow, Gus, and Hunter. Hunter pulls her aside and asks her not to share with them that he’s grimwalker and that he won’t tell them that she helped Philip in the past.  As they get to the Blight residence, the home is surrounded by Abomaton soldiers which are easily taken out by the kids. I mean, they’ve done this several times over now.

Luz shows up in the house while Amity is worried about her, with the twins seemingly knowing she was outside the whole time. They greet and kiss and it wasn’t the usual cheek kiss we’ve seen between the two before. This was one of those happy ending reprise of the anthem before end credits roll kisses. Now, I’m not hip with the lingo of the target audience of this show, and I typically only “ship" things in a UPS medium flat rate box, but I could hear The Owl House fans on social media screaming in joy over this “Lumity" moment.

Back on the transport ships to the Titan’s head, Raine is talking with Eda making sure she is okay getting a sigil, considering that even if her curse is healed, she’ll never be able to practice wild magic again. As she gets the sigil, Raine looks distressed after they are reminded that Eda has a knack for pulling various parts of her body off for fun and amusement.

King is having another moment hearing The Collector in his head after being left alone, but discovers a trail of candy and food wrappers leading away in the distance. Inside the Blight warehouse, Odelia is showcasing a new product to Kikimora that makes her bigger and stronger than anyone else around her, while the kids are disguised as Coven Guards, and go snooping around the warehouse. After they are almost immediately caught, Kikimora recognizes Hunter’s voice and a fight ensues.

Outside, Alador is venting to a disguised King about how much he’s been working, his troubles with his wife, and how he wants to spend more time with his kids. He says it will all be different AFTER the Day of Unity. King spills the beans and tells him there won’t be an “after" for the Day of Unity.

Inside the warehouse, all the kids have been apprehended and while Kikimora is threatening Hunter, Luz stands up for him when Kiki says she is surprised that she is here and not at the Day of Unity with her friends. Uh Oh. Seems like the Emperor is one step ahead of everyone if Kiki knows that they’re on their way there.

Amity is trying so hard to break the restraints and set everyone free, when she finally does she is surprised…but it was her dad coming back inside. He helps them all and tries to explain to his wife what the Emperor is doing…but she already knew. What?!

Turns out, she doesn’t care what he does with the products, as the Emperor has promised that they will live like royalty in the new world. Remember what I said? Phillip never keeps his end of the deal. Why would this be any different?

A full fight happens that starts between the married couple and climaxes with Kikimora stealing Hunter and taking him back to the Emperor. Deciding that destroying everything they’ve built is what truly is the best thing for the family, Alador literally destroys everything that they have built saying he quits his job. Odelia says she was looking for a more reasonable business partner anyway before disappearing into the smoke. Did…did they just get divorced? Either way, I’m a big fan of Amity’s Dad.

I feel that I must point out that Willow is the first to run to a ship to try and save Hunter. Yes, I still think that Willow was the one messaging Hunter back when we saw his Penstagram with the “oops wrong person" message. Alador offers to pilot the ship and helps the kids and apologizes to Luz for Odelia’s behavior. But Poof! Luz transforms into Hunter real quick. Wait, so if Hunter is here, then that means Kikimora has Luz and is bringing her straight to the Emperor!

King’s Tide

Now we’re caught up and ready for today’s episode, the season finale. The Day of Unity is about to begin. King once again is having dreams that feature the Collector, this time he’s there while the Collector is reminding Belos that he promised him that he’ll be released to play new games. When Belos says that he can trust him, King audibly disagrees (rightfully so), but more importantly, the Collector heard it. King startles awake, and is on the ship with the kids and Mr. Blight headed to the Day of Unity to save Luz.

The people of the Boiling Isles are now in the head of the Titan, where Belos is promising a world free of Wild Magic where Paradise awaits. The CATS are in position and ready to enact their plans. Eda is disguised and joins the other coven heads as Raine. However, Belos has said he has decided to switch up the arrangement, so Eda will now no longer have Eberwolf on Darius on either side of her, but instead finds herself next to Tarra Snapdragon and Adrian Graye Vernworth.

Belos draws a glyph, enacting the spell and muttering “Goodbye Boiling Isles." He disappears, retreating back to his lair inside the head firing up the portal with the last bit of titan’s blood he has. While he removes his Emperor’s Garb and reverts back to his Phillip outfit, he tells the Collector he will be breaking their deal. Kiki comes in with who she thinks is a captured Hunter, and tells her now, knowing that the draining spell has been activated, to go find a hole to wither away in.

Phillip knew that Kiki had Luz the whole time, and figures she has no fight left, but turns out, she does. Every coven witch with a sigil is now finding their arms glowing, meaning the spell is working. As the eclipse begins, Eda’s Curse is slowing down the spell before Tarra realizes what’s going on. Graye reveals “Raine" to be Eda when Eberwolf attacks, releasing flesh eating beetles, with Darius backing up his friends. Abomatons bring up the real Raine and the spell continues. And now, it’s much stronger.

Luz and Phillip are having their own showdown, and Phillip even offers to take her back through the portal with him, considering that she is also a human and he doesn’t want to see another human harmed by this world. As hypocritical as it may be, this is oddly the only time I’ve ever felt that Phillip has been genuine in any way. Too bad Luz puts up a fight, and Phillip instead tries to (what appears to be) petrify her right there. As she looks for a way to stop him, she spots a sigil glove on a nearby table top and tries striking up a bargain. He’s been gone from the Human Realm for so long, he doesn’t know what’s going on out there and needs a modern day human guide. Luz can be that guide, especially considering that Witch Hunters aren’t really a thing in this day and age.

They shake on the deal, Human style (though it's notably with their left hand) and Luz gives Phillip a sigil since she used an illusion spell to cover up the glove. Out with all the coven heads, their sigils now explode into a trail of painful light while their magic is slowly drained from them, with Darius saying that they’re too late. Tarra is screaming in agony and looks at Raine, asking them if Belos is truly giving them paradise. Raine just shakes their head silently, saying no. As all the residents try to escape from the ceremony, they find that they are trapped inside by the Blight Abomatons.

Luz points out to Phillip that now that he has a sigil, he has to stop the draining spell or he won’t be able to get out of there either. Too bad all that seems to happen is that he sheds his human skin, becoming a giant monster akin to what we saw inside his mind a few episodes ago, but not as well intentioned.

King is waking up again and finding all the troubles taking place inside the Day of Unity ceremony, finding himself surrounded by witches who are falling down one by one, including all his new CATS friends, and even Eda and Raine. While he awakens, Amity and her dad are powering down all the Abomatons, but the kids grab King and set off to help save Luz.

Luz is trying to outrun the Phillip beast, who is reminding her that neither of them belong in this world, when the beast is trapped by Willow and the kids. While the fight is taking place, King tumbles down a staircase and finds a dejected Kikimora who is being drained, who tells King that Phillip/Belos can’t stop the draining spell, only the Collector can. But hey, we got an answer on who/what the Collector is! “Neither Witch Nor Demon, A Child From the Stars."

King sees the opportunity to help, and Kikimora takes him to the Collector since it will help, and I’m quoting here, “Kick the Emperor’s Butt." Despite the nature and themes of these last two episodes, it still is a Y.A. show after all. The showdown above is still taking place, and hideous Phillip-beast is now focused on Hunter, making him feel guilty yet again, but this time Hunter sees through the charade. Speaking of seeing things, Phillip catches a glimpse of Hunter’s palisman, Flapjack and terrifyingly yells “CALEB!" before letting out an angry roar.

Kikimora has brought King to the Collector in a spot full of “failures." And I’m counting no less than 14 golden guard helmets before they stumble upon the mirror that The Collector is trapped in. The Collector senses that King is near, but his collar seems to protect him from the Collector, as it is glowing. He takes it off and reveals himself to the Collector, who says that King looks an awful lot like the big bully that trapped them. He then realizes that he is the son of that titan that trapped them and that he always wanted to play with them.

King suggests they play a new game called “The Owl House" (Hey, that’s the name of the show!) but there needs to be a lot of players, like a whole world’s worth of people. The Collector offers to stop the draining spell so that everyone can play if they get set free, but is still untrusting considering how Phillip treated them.

As King pinky swears with the Collector that they will play games together, setting them free, Eda awakens on the platform while her magic is draining thanks to her new sigil when Raine says that they promised a special kid out there that they’d protect her, and rips off her right forearm. It sounds gruesome, but remember that she can do that for fun? This saves her and she seems to be restored and okay, but Raine collapses into her arms and appears to be fading fast.

Down with the failures, King has set The Collector free, but up above, Phillip has the kids cornered when the Collector shows up asking them all what they’re playing. Philip seems terrified (rightfully so, this character is terrifying) and the Collector suggests they play tag, but they are it. The Collector tags Phillip and sends him flying into a wall above a doorway where he splatters into a ton of goo. Is that it for Philip, really? Somehow I doubt it. The look of worry on Luz and Hunter’s face is definitely what viewers are thinking as well.

King reminds the Collector of the game they are supposed to play, “The Owl House," and they poke their head out and see the eclipse, and with a wave of a finger, moves the stars to stop the draining spell. Is everybody saved? Looks like it but we can’t tell for sure just yet. I’d also like to note that Willow seems to be the one comforting Hunter with his arm around her, so I’m definitely excited and ready to put that one in a UPS Flat Rate Box Overnight Shipping as well.

The Collector isn’t quite done yet though, and says if they’re going to play “The Owl House," they’re going to need an Owl House, and starts destroying everything in some kind of crazy vortex. But there is one way out, and it's that active portal door to the Human Realm. Luz says she can’t leave everyone behind, and the group all start running for the portal. That Phillip goo though is still dripping and landed on Hunter’s shoulder on his way to the door. Luz stays behind and tries to save everyone, but The Collector is reminding King that he pinky swore to play with him, and King lets Luz go, saying that she has been a great big sister, and uses his sonic vocal blast to launch Luz, Amity, Willow, Hunter, and Gus into the portal door and into the Human Realm.

The door is now inactive behind them, and the 5 kids are now in the human world. The smart thing to do is head home, right? Luz’s mom is there cooking (and reading about a girl who was lost in a land of frogs and the possibility that that might be a hoax) with V, and there is a knock at the door.

Luz and her friends are now in the human realm for the foreseeable future.

These episodes of The Owl House are now available on Disney Channel and the DisneyNOW app. You can catch up with earlier episodes and previous seasons on Disney+.

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Tony Betti
Originally from California where he studied a dying artform (hand-drawn animation), Tony has spent most of his adult life in the theme parks of Orlando. When he’s not writing for LP, he’s usually watching and studying something animated or arguing about “the good ole’ days” at the parks.