TV Recap: “The Kardashians” Season 1, Episode 10
Say it ain’t so, it’s the season finale! We’ve learned so much over the course of these ten episodes: Kourt is in her happy era, Kravis wants a baby, Kris isn’t eloping, Kim’s smitten by the little things, and Kendall and Kylie go through drive-thrus just like us! However, one thing we’re not happy to learn? Tristan has lied once more to our dear friend and family-fave Khloe.
Last week we left off with Kim answering the awaited call from Khloe who remains unaware about Tristan’s latest act of infidelity. Khloe answers in complete shock as Kim runs through his declaration in response to being sued. Kim tells Khloe that she thinks Tristan didn’t know these documents would be leaked and that she’s still waiting on his reply from earlier that morning. She tells her sister, this is a sign “for you to not have another baby with this human being." On the other side of the line, Khloe starts to sob. A family meeting is put on the books.
Kim heads over to Kris’s house with Kourtney and Corey. “She keeps recovering, forgiving, for the sake of her daughter," Kris says of her daughter Khloe’s strength. Khloe texts Kim that she’s not going to show up while the table continues to express their concerns. Kourtney just wishes Tristan would be more truthful, whereas Kris finds it disrespectful. He has been given so many chances, it is so hard for the family to see Khloe be treated this way. And Kim feels quite done taking the high road, “If you don’t think I screenshot every [bleep] single thing," she says right at the camera. Note to self: Don’t mess with Kim K.
Khloe goes out for a drive and says her piece about the situation in the confessional. While she admits she wishes Tristan didn’t do anything in the first place, she cannot wrap her head around him letting her find out with the rest of the world.
When asked what hurts the most, she can’t pinpoint one thing. “Was Tristan going to tell me if there wasn’t a baby involved? Absolutely not, and that shows a lot about his character," she says. “The entire thing is despicable." On the phone with Kendall, she raises a good point: there could be a dozen others he hasn’t disclosed as well, he just wasn’t caught. “There’s brighter things for you in the future," Kendall tells her older sister, but Khloe isn’t quite there yet. She’s been getting sick, anxious, and even fainted. Luckily, beta-blockers are on their way to rescue.
In the tonal shift of the century, Kravis and Kris head to the studio. Kris is making a Christmas song per Travis’s idea. “Let’s make me sound like Mariah," she says. However, Kourtney can’t stop laughing and it’s quite distracting for the star. “She’s singing so wildly, I can’t take it," Kourt shares as she tackles the role of bells in the studio. Later on, the musical team, Kravis, Kris, and Corey listen to the track and it sounds … pretty good. “You don’t know a Christmas song that can thump like that," Corey exclaims.
Kim visits her sister at her (very tall) bedside. They head into a discussion about how to navigate their siblings’ various situations. Kim really appreciated no one stepping into her marriage and letting her come to her own conclusion. However, she doesn’t know if she should intervene with Khloe’s current predicament, but as Khloe notes - what is there to intercept? Khloe feels good that she’s given so much grace to the people she’s loved, but she can’t stand the societal perception that she is flawed for her forgiveness.
Kim takes another moment to speak to the camera and directs it to Khloe’s judgemental trolls: “When you have a child, you’ll do anything to try to make it work."
Khloe heads over to Scott’s house and the nieces and nephews are running about. Penelope sports some fresh and fierce red hair while Reign gives the performance of a lifetime. When interviewed by Auntie Khloe, he gives nothing. They move the conversation to the backyard and tackle some more topical conversations. He asks if this is the end of “Mr. T" and Khloe basically says yes. Scott can’t imagine what it would be like to have someone betray him like that.
He tries to show some hope for Khloe by bringing up how much he loves Kim’s new boy, Pete Davidson. Peter brings her coffee and picks them up from the airport; he’s a good dude in Scott’s book. They get along so well, they’ve started to hang out.
At Khloe’s beautiful new home, she’s packing up some of Tristan’s clothes. This was supposed to be a home they were going to share and raise Tru together, but that has since changed. Khloe admits she feels like she may just need some time to be left alone with her thoughts.
Days later, she makes it to the Hulu photoshoot which comes as a surprise to Kim - she knows this is uncomfortable to be in public. Kim asks Khloe about her latest conversation with Tristan. He tried to plead his case, but “there’s not much," Khloe shares. She is tired of being forced to be a part of this “circus," but no matter what she will not let Tru notice the difference between their relationship. In a beautiful sentiment, Khloe shares that her family are her soulmates and that’s all she needs. She will be okay with them by their side.
Though it may not be apparent at first glance, there is a tonal shift with the family behind the production team of this Hulu series. Filled with far more candid conversations, this series holds its own against the canon of family reality television. The Kardashian women are showcased balancing their hectic lives with some of their more intimate desires: family time, grocery shopping, and Dibs. Despite the change in title, one thing remains true: we’re still dying to keep up.
Stream all episodes of The Kardashians only on Hulu.