Marvel Must Haves Week 49 Round Up – “Ms. Marvel” Episode 4

Welcome back for another edition of Marvel Must Haves. This is the forty-ninth week of a year-long merchandise campaign, and Marvel is currently focusing on Ms. Marvel on Disney+.

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Ready to dive into the series? Read Mack’s recap of Episode 4, and catch up on all the news about Ms. Marvel on our guide page. Plus, check out the other forty-eight weeks of Marvel Must Haves for all of your merchandise needs!

Episode 4 – “Seeing Red"

Kamala and her mother travel to Karachi to visit her grandmother and reconnect with their family. While there, she crosses paths with the mysterious Red Dagger who enlightens her on the past and what’s written on the bangle.

Funko Pop!

While searching for answers at the train station in Karachi, Kamala crosses paths with the Red Dagger who, guess what, holds yet another key to unlocking her past! Right now it feels like we can trust him. Let's hope it stays that way!


As for clothing, fans can customize their Marvel wardrobe with new T-shirts and apparel from Hot Topic 

Home and on the Go

Whether catching up on your favorite show, keeping track of all your thoughts or heading out for a day with friends, you’ll love this Ms. Marvel inspired gear and accessories from Amazon and Zazzle.

More Marvel Fun:

  • Want more Marvel? Check out our Zzzax of Life podcast featuring Mack and Kyle as they discuss news then break down the latest episode of Ms. Marvel!
  • Join the conversation on Wednesdays as Mack and Benji host a livestream discussion of the series during Marvel Time!

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