10 Marvel Things I’d Like to See in “She-Hulk: Attorney at Law”
We are just a couple of weeks away from the debut of Marvel’s She-Hulk: Attorney at Law on Disney+. Fans are excited to be introduced to the MCU’s Jennifer Walters and what she brings to the table. The series certainly looks like it’s going to bring a different type of comedy to the MCU and it should be a lot of fun.
While the trailer for the upcoming series have revealed a whole lot of very quick glimpses of Marvel goodness, let’s take a look at 10 Marvel things I’d like to see in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law.
1 - Attorney(s) at Law
There’s no secret any more. We’ve seen from trailers and featurettes that Daredevil will make an appearance in the upcoming series. It makes sense, as Jennifer Walters and Matt Murdock are the best-known lawyers in the Marvel Universe. With Jen heading up the superhuman law division, it stands to reason her path would cross with Daredevil at one point or another.
2 - The Wrecking Crew
The trailer also gives us a brief glimpse of a group of street thugs wielding some seemingly enchanted weapons as they come face to face with She-Hulk. They appear to be the MCU’s version of the Wrecking Crew, a construction-themed team of supervillains. While that seems like a ridiculous concept, and at times they live up to that, they have also been fairly heavy hitters at times in the comics and their inclusion could be a lot of fun. I wouldn’t expect them to be the big bads though.
3 - Fourth-Wall Breaks
This is another one we know will be included based on the trailer. While Deadpool is known as the character to speak to the audience, John Byrne’s 1989 run on “She-Hulk" saw the character break the fourth wall constantly, long before Deadpool was doing it. With this show being a comedy, it appears this will play a big role for comedic purposes.
4 - Savage She-Hulk
We’re all familiar with the Hulk. The enormous green rage monster has had plenty of time in the spotlight. However, Jen Walters appears to be very much in control of her She-Hulk persona from what we’ve seen in the marketing for this series so far. That’s not always the case in the comics and it would be interesting to see if she ever actually loses control.
5 - Frog-Man
Walters is going to have to handle the legal cases for a lot of ridiculous characters, including one who it seems we have seen in the trailer. Frog-Man has made a few appearances and it seems like he’ll probably be involved in a legal case of some sort. Frog-Man has fought alongside heroes like Spider-Man, the Human Torch and others… sort of. He’s not exactly a high profile hero, but he wants to be.
6 - Great Lakes Avengers
As long as we’re talking about crazy characters, this seems like as good a tie as ever to introduce some of the Great Lakes Avengers. The lesser known team of heroes would fit in perfectly with this comedic setting as they are typically, not very well equipped to handle the dangerous situations in which they find themselves. Plus, who doesn’t want to see Doorman in the MCU?
7 - World War Hulk
This one might be a bit of a stretch, but a “World War Hulk" project has been rumored for the MCU for a very long time. The popular comic story arc follows “Planet Hulk," which was loosely adapted in Thor: Ragnarok, and sees the Hulk return to Earth after being exiled by his former heroes. With an army of beings he rescued from a tyrant on Sakaar, the Hulk wages war on Earth’s mightiest heroes. With Bruce Banner having a role to play in this series, this might be a good opportunity to set him down this path.
8 - Skrulls
This one might as well be on the list for ever movie and series from here on out. As we get closer and closer to Secret Invasion, it becomes more and more likely we’re going to be seeing some Skrulls. And in a series that is going to include all kinds of creatures from different planets, this is a good spot for some more of the Skrulls to pop up. Jennifer could even represent a Skrull who has gotten into some legal trouble for impersonating someone else.
9 - Hellcat
After the character’s presence in the Netflix Marvel series, this one might be not be as likely as some of the others, but Jennifer and Patsy Walker are great friends in the comics. The role of best friend is already taken by Nikki in this series, but there’s always room for another friend, especially when we’re talking about one with the abilities of Hellcat. She’s also been a major influence on Jen becoming a member of various super teams over the years…
10 - An Avenger
The most famous team to include She-Hulk is of course the Avengers. We know she’s going to work with the Hulk, Wong and even Abomination in this series, but maybe there’s another cameo still being kept a secret. It seems much more likely She-Hulk will join the Avengers in a future project, but it would be great to see the seeds planted for that prospect in this series.
Marvel’s She-Hulk Attorney at Law premieres Thursday, August 18 on Disney+