TV Recap – “She-Hulk: Attorney at Law” Takes a Break for a Wedding Episode

Last week on Marvel’s She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, we saw Jen win a case against Titania for the rights to the name “She-Hulk," embarrassing herself with a parade of her bad dates to do so. This week, things take a bit of a turn by employing a bit of a television trope.

The episode opens with Jen staring at a mystery box she has received, with her name on it. She opens it to learn that she has been invited to be a bridesmaid for an old friend. She explains the situation to Nikki and shows off a dress Luke made her for the rehearsal. So it appears she has more of a working relationship with Luke now. Nikki refers to Jen as “Shulkie," a nickname championed by writer Dan Slott in his definitive She-Hulk comic book run.

The two have a conversation regarding why Jen has actually agreed to be a bridesmaid despite not really being friends with Lulu anymore. Jen laments Mallory having to pick up her slack at work and Nikki sais she is excited to get to work with her on a divorce case. Jen then speaks to the audience to let us know this will be a self-contained wedding episode. And for those who were excited to see Daredevil this week, she points out that she knows this is coming at an inconvenient time but that’s how weddings work.

She-Hulk shows up to the rehearsal and immediately commands all the attention. Lulu, the bride, pulls her aside and complains about her stealing the spotlight. Jen promises not to be She-Hulk at the wedding. Lulu lets Jen know she’s going to be walking with Jonathan, another groomsman, because she is the only bridesmaid who isn’t part of a couple.

Meanwhile, Mallory and Nikki meet with their next client: Craig Hollis, better known as Mr. Immortal. In the comics, Mr. Immortal is a character with some pretty self explanatory powers: he can’t die. He is the leader (if you can call him that) of the Great Lakes Avengers. His powers are the same here and he explains that he has “killed himself" several times to get out of his marriages. When Nikki and Mallory start to judge him for his actions, he jumps out the window to “kill himself" again, just to get out of the conversation.

Back at the wedding, Lulu judges Jen for being single, which Jen mostly shrugs off. The mood changes though when Jen sees Titania walk in. Despite the fact that she was invited to the wedding, Jen tries to argue that she is only there to attack her, which… duh. Lulu calls Jen crazy and she walks away frustrated.

Outside, Jen meets a groomsman named Josh, who hits on her playfully. They seem to be hitting it off a bit before being interrupted by Lulu who puts them both on cleaning duty.

Mallory, Nikkiy and Mr. Immortal meet with his ex-wives and ex-husband to try and reach a settlement. After hearing some of the stories from his exes, Mallory informs Mr. Immortal that he is going to have to pay to make this go away.

Back at the wedding, Jen gets put on ironing duty before meeting Jonathan, the small dog she’s going to be walking with as she enters the wedding. She is clearly unhappy about this, as she should be. Mr. Immortal and his exes seem to reach an agreement before the exes start to argue over the concept of splitting the money evenly.

Jen decides to tackle this wedding with alcohol and we get a montage of her dancing and buying drinks at the cash bar. We cut back to Nikki negotiating all of Immortal’s payments to his exes, which goes perfectly for everyone except Immortal, who doesn’t want to apologize with eye contact. Despite his objections, a deal is reached and they have a settlement. Mallory voices her approval for Nikki. Looks like things are going well for Jen’s paralegal.

At the wedding, Josh finds a very drunk Jen and they start talking again. Their conversation is interrupted though when Jen has to run outside to vomit. She is then attacked by Titania who was only there to do just that. Again… duh. Jen tries to resist turning into She-Hulk but eventually gives in and we have ourselves a wedding fight.

She-Hulk eventually beat Titania again and the villain rus away, humiliated. Lulu appears upset as she looks at Jen, who tries to apologize. However, Lulu, who appears to be drunk at this point, hugs her and shares her excitement that She-Hulk is at her wedding.

Mallory and Nikki chat over drinks and Mallory opens up a bit, revealing that she’s been married a long time and has a son. She changes the subject though and the two direct their attention to Intelligencia, a website brought up by one of Immortal’s exes where she saw a video of him. They find a link to She-Hulk content from a user named HulkKing and discover that there are death threats on there. Nikki wants to warn Jen but Mallory tells her to let Jen live her life without having to think about things like that.

Nikki completely ignores Mallory and leaves a message for Jen explaining everything they saw. Jen doesn’t get the message right away because we see she is eating a plate of fries with Josh. However, we see she is being watched by someone in a lab, who gets a message from HulkKing. We then see several people moving around the lab, though we never see their faces. We do see that they seem to be creating some kind of heavy duty syringe, presumably to puncture She-Hulk’s skin and extract her blood. This could very well be another hint at The Leader’s involvement.

While it’s frustrating that we got an episode that pulled us away from the story and we didn’t get Daredevil this week, it’s also hilarious that they outright told us that was happening in the beginning of the episode. This show continues to be very funny, while also sprinkling in gems from the Marvel Universe, like Mr. Immortal. And we got another hint at the big bad of this series, who is still lurking in the shadows with just three episodes left.

You can watch She-Hulk: Attorney at Law on Disney+ now.

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Mike Mack
Mack is the Editorial Director for Marvel and ESPN content and he has covered comic cons, theme park events, video game showcases and other fun events. He is a fan of theme parks, sports, movies, Marvel Comics and is a self-proclaimed "nerd."