Review: “Pretty Woman” at Dr. Phillips Center
Another addition to the recent trend of movies-turned-musicals, Pretty Woman is the kind of fun, colorful show that is perfect for a girls night out. Whether or not you’ve seen the movie, you’ll catch on to the story quickly. The show opens with a catchy ensemble number before we meet either of our leads. The ensemble is lively- and very busy! They all play many roles throughout the show, in costumes ranging from 80s street wear to Rodeo Drive couture. This energetic ensemble does an excellent job of highlighting our unlikely lovers, Vivian (Jessie Davidson) and Edward (Adam Pascal).
From the moment she stepped onstage, I was rooting for Vivian. I’ll admit, I haven’t seen the movie, so I only vaguely knew the plot- all I know was that I wanted her to be happy. Davidson has an incredible voice, and you just instantly fall in love with her as Vivian. Watching her grow over the course of the show is a treat. I truly missed her when she was offstage.
Before moving on to Edward (Adam Pascal), I have to admit to an embarrassing story. As we were walking into the gorgeous Doctor Phillips Center, I got an important phone call. By the time I finished, we had to rush to our seats, and I didn’t get a chance to look at my program. I spent the entire first act thinking, “wow, this guy is great! I hope he knows he sounds exactly like Adam Pascal from RENT. I bet he hears that all the time." Well, turns out there’s a reason he sounds just like Adam Pascal. He is. After playing Edward on Broadway, Pascal joined the national tour, and is just as captivating and charming as ever. His chemistry with Davidson is just so sweet, and the two work beautifully together.
Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by Pretty Woman! I don’t always love the musical adaptations of movies, but this one was just so fun and charming. I highly recommend it for a night out with friends. Be sure to keep an eye out for the rest of the season at Doctor Phillips Center, including their newly announced upcoming season!