Comic Review – The Dank Graks and Maz’s Crew Head to Jedha in “Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures” (2022) #5
Continuing catching up on Star Wars comics from a couple weeks ago, I read Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures, Phase II, #5 by writer Daniel José Older and published by Dark Horse Comics.
The High Republic Adventures #5 opens with a flashback to Jedi Padawan Sav Malagán’s youth, wherein a Jedi Master attempts to teach her some respect for her lightsaber, then picks up where the previous issue left off, with the space-pirate gang known as the Dank Graks having arrived in Jedha City during the Battle of Jedha, as depicted in other The High Republic materials. Now Sav is bonding with Saya Keem, a Force-wielding member of the Graks who also feels like an outcast in her group. On the other side of the city, Maz Kanata’s rival gang fights back Jedha citizens who are partaking in the chaotic riots that have broken out… all while trying to track down their abducted boss. We learn a bit more about Dexter Jettster’s relationship with Maz, and we finally get to see Therm Scissorpunch let loose after a pep-talk by the diminutive Officer Coromont Rado. As we cut back to Sav and Saya, we find them facing off against members of the Force cult known as the Path of the Open Hand, and then Older and returning artist Harvey Tolibao give us a two-page spread catching readers up on the ins and outs of the Battle of Jedha and its various factions, locations, and vehicles.
This issue mostly consists of action and fight sequences as the two gangs enter the fray on Jedha, but we also get a fairly intriguing cliffhanger ending when pirate hunter Raf Thatchburn receives a message from Sav alerting him to her presence on the planet– not to mention that she’s currently serving as a double agent. This is a fun, kinetic issue overall, and it’s interesting to see Tolibao back as the artist for this title. His drawings have been catching my attention since the Knights of the Old Republic series, so I’ll be curious how his work progresses from here. As for Older as a writer, I still think he’s really good at keeping things moving and compelling, while it’s always a hoot to see him getting into the heads of characters who were previously resigned to the background or as one-joke aliens (see Therm Scissorpunch for a great example). One other odd thing is that the next three issues of this comic are all scheduled to be published on Wednesday, June 28th. I’m not sure if that’s a clerical error and Dark Horse will update the plan as that date gets closer, or if they need to catch up by the end of this month because all the other Phase II The High Republic offerings have already come to a close. Either way, I’ll look forward to seeing how this story ends for Sav.
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #5 is available now wherever comic books are sold.