Hailey Finds A New Friend And Meets a K-Pop Star In The Latest “Hailey’s On It!”
Hailey has to make a new friend with the help of an old friend, just ahead of meeting a K-Pop star while babysitting her twin brothers in the latest Hailey’s On It!
Catching Felines
We open and see Scott and Hailey together on a cliff, saying that if this is the end then they’re glad they’re with each other. Wondering what you missed? We all are. Don’t worry, a narration from Hailey kicks on to say that we should really be starting at the beginning of this story.
We then flash back to the day prior, where Scott and Hailey are talking about getting their hands on a pair of Wildcats - the newest, bestest, most importantest sustainable sneakers that are hitting the market tomorrow. That’s when Beta chimes in and says those aren’t as important as completing Hailey’s next task - making a female friend.
Despite Hailey saying that she has plenty of female friends, naming one who turned out to have moved around the world four years ago, she doesn’t. That’s when Scott suggests Kristine, his full-on girlfriend. Well, that won’t work for many reasons already shared in the series - but we see a brief clip anyway where Hailey imagines shopping with Kristine.
We are then treated to a montage where we see Hailey trying to make friends with anyone aside from Kristine, which includes trips to the coffee shop, the mall, and even on a run with a number of active folks. Back at home sharing with Scott how unsuccessful her efforts were, we then hear noises from the other side of the fence. Next door, Scott’s sister Becker is practicing cracking her new bullwhip. That’s it! Scott’s sister Becker can be her new friend.
Scott takes her inside and they approach Becker about spending time with Hailey, who seems apprehensive at first but gives in. Together, they build a cute little birdhouse together before Becker stays on brand and explodes it. As Becker asks what else they can build together and destroy, Hailey’s bracelet chimes in signaling that she has accomplished her goal of making a female friend. However, Hailey tells Becker that she can’t do anything tomorrow since she and Scott have plans to get their hands on the new Wildcats. Turns out, Becker’s friend Bonesaw owes her a favor, and he can get his hands on the new shoes without Hailey and Scott having to spend all day waiting in line.
The next day, Hailey finds two actual Wildcats in the backyard, gifts from Becker. She calls Scott to see what happened and he said that Becker’s friend Bonesaw works at the nature preserve at the top of the hill. That’s where they must have come from. As she and Scott are discussing, she flashes back to the questions that Becker was asking her… questions that could easily apply to both shoes and actual wild animals. Now Scott and Hailey must get these animals back to the nature preserve and bait them with raw meat into the plastic playhouse of Hailey’s backyard.
Trapped in the fake house, the wildcats are growing angrier and angrier as they are being pulled down the street with haste. That’s when Becker calls. She did them a favor getting those shoes and now they’re all chewed up and destroyed!
Wait what? Becker DID get them the shoes they were looking for - these wildcats are actually wild! They just happened to be in their backyards! There is no way that Bonesaw could have got the animals because Bonesaw works at the shoe store - it’s her friend CHAINSaw that works at the nature preserve. Scott was confused.
Now we’re back at the beginning, where Scott and Hailey are trapped on a cliff as the wildcats have gotten free of their playhouse enclosure. Just like we saw in the beginning, we see the two exchange the same dialogue before this time, we hear the cracking of a whip. Becker is on scene to save the day, and she brought her friend Chainsaw with her. Together, they wrangle the animals into the van for the nature preserve. When all is said and done, Hailey thanks Becker, and calls her a real friend. Then, they make plans to hang out a lot more in the future. However, it seems that Becker takes these offers as maybe a bit more - saying that now someday, she’s gonna kiss Hailey Banks. Between that revelation and the plot point that Hailey has unexplored feelings for Becker’s brother/her best friend - this show just got a lot more interesting.
It’s All Gonna Be OK-Pop
Scott and Hailey are making a new video that has to win an online contest. It has to. It’s their only chance to complete a task item: Meet Jun from Seoulmates. The video has to win so they can win tickets to the concert and see the K-Pop group in person so Hailey can get pulled on stage to meet her dream musician.
As they are making the video, Scott messes up his choreography and falls backwards into a shelf. Though the video is not perfect, Beta far prefers it this way and uploads it for the world to see Scott falling and injuring himself. As it is with the internet in the real world, the video immediately accrues thousands of likes and wins the contest almost immediately. Now, they have to work on their plan to get Hailey pulled on stage. When explaining about the contest win to Hailey’s mom though, it is revealed that Hailey can’t go to the contest, as she needs to stay home and watch the twins, Dwayne and Johnson. Kai can’t watch them either, as he has to go to a boring PTA meeting while Mom has other things to do. She’d never understand the importance of the concert anyway as she is no fun. This leads to an argument where Kai tries to stop his wife and daughter from fighting - but it is set. Hailey cannot go to the concert.
However, Hailey has a plan - we cut to the tall kid in a coat cliche but then we see Hailey and Scott walk right past them and into the concert. After all, the kids are babies and kids under 5 get into the concert for free. From there, we learn the full plan to get Hailey on stage and the band is introduced. It’s time to start, but first, they need to restrain the kids. So, they tie their harnesses to a nearby post and will return as soon as Hailey gets on stage. Hailey gets up close and just like planned, she gets a flower from Jun and is set to get pulled on stage. As Scott returns back to the twins though, he discovers they are now missing. Hailey is called and they two start searching the arena high and low with Hailey crowd surfing to find the children. While doing so, she sees her mother at the concert…having FUN. What? Then, Scott screams for Hailey to get to the stage - the twins are dancing with the group! Together, Hailey, the Twins, and the Seoulmates all dance together (even though Hailey faints) before the come off the stage and discover Patricia waiting for them. That’s when she gets a lecture about responsibility, but alas, she too lied to Kai that way she can get out of the PTA meeting and come to the concert. The two reason with each other and ultimately decide to never speak of this concert again.
Back at home though, Kai returns to find that Dwayne and Johnson have learned some new dance moves while Mom and Hailey both try and hide the television which is showing footage from the concert. After Dad goes to bed, Mom and Hailey continue their fun and keep dancing into the night, together.
This episode of Hailey’s On It! Is now available on Disney Channel and the DisneyNOW app. You can also catch up with earlier episodes now streaming on Disney+.