Touchstone and Beyond: A History of Disney’s “My Science Project”

Sometimes when you are trying to complete a science project, a little trespassing at a military site can cause all kinds of problems, like in Touchstone Pictures, My Science Project.

The Plot

It’s 1957, President Eisenhower has just learned the US military has taken possession of a crashed UFO. After viewing the craft, the president orders his men to get rid of the alien object.

Cut to 1985, and Michael is behind in science, and thanks to his demanding teacher Bob Roberts, he needs to complete a worthwhile assignment to pass. With the help of Ellie, the two sneak into a military junkyard where they find more than what they wanted.

A mysterious glowing orb is their choice. Back at school Michael accidently activates the orb and learns that it has the power to absorb electricity and blend past, present, and future. Slowly the two learn that the orb is out of control and Michael and Ellie need to work together to stop the orb and save the world.

They might even pass their science class too.

The Good

I like John Stockwell and his work in Christine will always endear me to any film he stars in.

Fisher Stevens is always a plus to any movie, including My Science Project.

The Bad and the Ugly

A viewer can tell that this script went through multiple revisions. There are many moments that seem like different pages from different movies were stapled together and then shot for the screen. The film is incoherent and has little character development.

I understand that Dennis Hopper may have come out of rehab and started filming the movie, but his character is ridiculous. Flat out silly, and even more wasteful than his version of King Koopa in Super Mario Bros.

The effects look bad, and they don’t help to tell the story. Rather than a fun filled teen comedy, I found myself struggling to pay attention because I had absolutely no interest in completing the whole film.

I feel like there was a great idea in the planning stages, but as this movie came out with a string of other better films in the same genre, My Science Project seems like it missed its chance and was lost on the sea of trying to be original without looking like a copy. The film struggles to find its footing and wastes some incredibly talented actors in silly roles.

Beyond the Film Facts

  • There is a nice little ode to Dennis Hopper’s legendary film, Easy Rider. When his character Bob returns from the 1960’s, Hopper is wearing the same outfit that his character from Easy Rider wore.
  • The film also pays tribute to John Stockwell’s role in Christine when Fisher Stevens character alludes to the film.
  • Hopper was reportedly just out of rehab when he signed on to the movie.
  • My Science Project was released around the same time as Real Genius, Weird Science, and The Manhattan Project in 1986.
  • The movie was greenlit when Disney was led by CEO Ron Miller but was released under Michael Eisner’s reign as CEO of the company.
  • The airplane junkyard in the film also showed up in Can’t Buy Me Love and the music video for Berlin’s “Take My Breath Away.”
  • The script reportedly had up to fourteen revisions before beginning production.
  • When the bullies vandalize John Stockwell’s car, they are wearing Star Wars costumes. This is reportedly the first time Star Wars images were used in a Disney produced film.
  • The closing credits have still frame photos from the movie, including scenes from the film that were cut before the movie was released.
  • The film holds an 11% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
  • The movie was released under the Touchstone Films banner before it changed to Pictures.

The Streamy Award

{The following four categories are based on a Film Reel scale.

1 Reel-Bored and Killing Time, 2 Reels-When You Have Some Time, 3 Reels-Make Some Time, 4 Reels-Big Screen Event}

I can’t recommend My Science Project. This film has not found its voice with time, nor is it a quirky comedy from a bygone era. My Science Project is a bit of a mess with little development and should best be left in the Disney vault.

Cast and Crew

  • John Stockwell as Michael Harlan
  • Danielle von Zerneck as Ellie
  • Fisher Stevens as Vince Latello
  • Raphael Sbarge as Sherman
  • Richard Masur as Detective Isadore Nulty
  • Dennis Hopper as Bob Roberts

Directed by Jonathan R. Betuel

Produced by Touchstone Pictures (Films) / Silver Screen Partners II

Release Date: August 9, 1985

Budget: $12 million

Box Office Gross

Domestic: $4,122,748

Coming Soon

Next week, a look at Calendar Girls. The story of a women’s group in small town England that decides to raise funds through an unusual means.

Bill Gowsell
Bill Gowsell has loved all things Disney since his first family trip to Walt Disney World in 1984. Since he began writing for Laughing Place in 2014, Bill has specialized in covering the Rick Riordan literary universe, a retrospective of the Touchstone Pictures movie library, and a variety of other Disney related topics. When he is not spending time with his family, Bill can be found at the bottom of a lake . . . scuba diving