“Loki” Season 2 Footage Description from Destination D23

During the Walt Disney Studios Showcase at Destination D23, Loki Executive Producer Kevin Wright took the stage to offer up an exclusive sneak preview of the Season 2 premiere, which begins at the exact same spot as the Season 1 cliffhanger. What follows is a description of the footage shown, which was preceded by a “Previously on Loki" refresh.

Loki (Tom Hiddleston) has returned to the TVA, and it appears that a variant of Kang (Jonathan Majors) is now in control, with a statue of the supervillain dominating the skyline. Mobius (Owen Wilson) and guards chase him through the halls, with Loki’s friend now unfamiliar with who he is. To evade being captured, Loki dives out of a window and lands in the bed of a yellow hover truck. Its driver is so startled that she accidentally knicks the statue of Kang on his cheek.

The truck crashes into the side of a building, and Loki tumbles out into an office where Casey (Eugene Cordero) also doesn’t recognize him. He calls on the intercom for security. Loki looks down at the marble floor, which has the TVA shield and sword crest inlaid. It’s been damaged by the chaos of the moment. And then something strange happens. Loki glitches…

… Loki is standing in the exact same room, with Casey staring at him quizzically. But something is different. Casey knows him, for starters. Loki looks down at the floor. The crest is still damaged. He asks Casey when that happened. Casey can’t remember a time when the damage wasn’t there. Loki believes he was just in the past. He asks Casey to get Mobius, and then he glitches again…

Where does Loki go next? We will find out on Friday, October 6th, when Season 2 premieres on Disney+. The footage ended with a sizzle reel of clips from the new season, including Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) working at a McDonald’s in 1982.

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Alex Reif
Alex joined the Laughing Place team in 2014 and has been a lifelong Disney fan. His main beats for LP are Disney-branded movies, TV shows, books, music and toys. He recently became a member of the Television Critics Association (TCA).