Cultural Impact of “Black Panther” Hilariously Assessed in SNL Sketches

To say that Black Panther has been successful in its theatrical run is quite an understatement. It recently took over the rank of third highest grossing film domestically, it has the strongest ever February opening, and it's spurred discussion on a variety of topics. Additionally, it speaks to an entire culture while maintaining an openness to all people, it's a very strong and meaningful representation to many, and it's still orbiting social media, television, and more. Case in point: this weekend, Chadwick Boseman hosted SNL for an evening full of comedic sketches. Of course they were going to do something featuring the King of Wakanda. T'Challa is a contestant on Black Jeopardy and the results are pretty hilarious:

If that wasn't enough, the clever writers at SNL also examined the impact and meaning of the Wakandan salute and whether or not everyone is allowed to use it:

Outside of SNL, Screen Rant's latest Pitch Meeting had the "director" sharing his idea for Black Panther with the "Marvel executive." Covering everything from developing the back story of the villain ("that's not really what we do here"), to the results being "super easy, barely an inconvenience," clearly no one wants to stop taking about Black Panther. That's ok with us.

Black Panther is still in select theaters! If you haven't seen it yet, what are you waiting for?