Latter-Day Saints Temple Mistaken for “Beauty and the Beast” Castle

Last week the internet had fun learning that a specialty designed Beauty and the Beast smartphone cover featured a Latter-day Saints temple and not a fairy-tale castle.

Latter-Day Saints Temple
  • This past Tuesday, The Salt Lake Tribune reported on a lighthearted story about a phone case design gone wrong. According the article, Salt Lake City resident and member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Katie Hoyos came across the case and recognized the "castle" immediately.
  • The castle in question was not a home for fairy-tale characters, but rather an image of the LDS temple in Salt Lake City. The Salt Lake Tribune said, "[Hoyos] thought it was amusing that the Australian manufacturer probably had no idea that the majestic six-spired granite building isn’t a fairy-tale castle but rather a place where Mormons complete religious rites, including baptisms for the dead and eternal marriages."
  • Hoyos purchased the case and posted a picture on her Facebook where it was shared more than 5,000 times. Not only has the image gone viral, the case has also sold out since she shared the picture.
  • Along with featuring “Tale as old as time, Beauty and the Beast” in script, a passage of Mormon Scripture is also visible although it's a different font. "Hoyos assumes it was on the original temple image that was washed with pink and layered with a depiction of the Disney couple."
Sorry, wrong castle:
  • This isn't the first time that someone has mistakenly associated another building with the iconic Beast castle.
  • During a guest appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live!Beauty and the Beast actress, Emma Watson discussed her visit to Shanghai Disney Resort and said they built the Beauty and the Beast castle "pretty much to scale."
  • While that would be a dream come true, the Enchanted Storybook castle actually draws inspiration from several fairy-tales making it familiar and completely original all at the same time.
  • And another fun tidbit, Kimmel asks if the Pirates of the Caribbean ride is identical to the Disneyland and Disney World versions to which Watson responds, "identical except for the fact that the pirates speak Chinese (Mandarin)." Unfortunately, this is also not true, as the Shanghai version is inspired by the Pirates movies, features a Davy Jones animatronic, and has wall length projections that give riders the sensation they are diving underwater.
  • But we give her a pass, as she probably doesn't get to spend nearly as much time at the parks as us diehard fans!

What did you think of the phone case? Did you happen to get one? Let us know!