“Marvel’s Spider-Man” Has Become the Fastest Selling Playstation Game of All Time

It has been just three weeks since its release, and already Marvel's Spider-Man has gone from being one of the most highly-anticipated video games of all time to being the fastest selling PlayStation title of all time.

According to USA Today, the new game sold a record-breaking 3.3 million copies in its first three days after release. One million copies of the game were pre-ordered, another record. And to make it even more impressive, that number doesn't include sales on Sony's limited edition PlayStation 4 Pro bundle which includes the game and a special Spider-Man version of the console.

"Our expectations are always set at the highest levels," PlayStation's global senior vice president of sales and head of North America business operations Stephen Turvey told USA Today. "It's met and exceeded all expectations. I think the company and the campus and our fans are super proud of it."

And they definitely should be proud of it. I can't get into just how great this game is again because once I do, I can't stop. And next thing I know, I have 1000+ words on how much fun it is just swinging around New York. If you'd like to see my thoughts on Marvel's Spider-Man, you can check out my review here.

I'm clearly not the only one that thinks this game is amazing though. Those 3.3 million copies sold broke the previous, albeit recent, record set by the latest addition to the very popular God of War franchise back in May.

For another perspective, you can compare the game to the most recent Spider-Man film, Sony's and Marvel Studios' Spider-Man: Homecoming. With 3.3 million copies sold, at $59.99 per copy, that adds up to roughly $198 million earned in the opening weekend. That number smashes the $117 million earned by Homecoming in its opening weekend.

This game is already an incredible success, and it's only going to get better with time. Next month, Sony will be releasing the first of three new pieces of downloadable content that will include new stories, characters and Spider-Man suits. The first first update will be called "The Heist" and it will feature the popular Spider-Man foe/ally Black Cat. It will become available on October 23.

If you haven't tried Marvel's Spider-Man on PlayStation 4 yet, you should work on becoming one of the 3.3 million+ who have. You can swing over to PlayStation's official website to order your copy now.

Mike Mack
Mack is the Editorial Director for Marvel and ESPN content and he has covered comic cons, theme park events, video game showcases and other fun events. He is a fan of theme parks, sports, movies, Marvel Comics and is a self-proclaimed "nerd."