Dick Van Dyke Visits Walt Disney’s Birthplace, Leads Sing-Along

For a couple of years now, Disney fans have surely been aware of the project to restore Walt Disney's childhood home in Chicago, Illinois. That project got a big boost at March's annual meeting of the shareholders where The Walt Disney Company pledged to donate a whopping $250,000 towards the restoration.

This week a very special guest stopped by the home: the one and only Dick Van Dyke. We've seen before just what amazingly good shape and spirit Van Dyke is in for being 90 and, in this clip captured by Nicolas Degrazia, he shows off his youth once again as he leads a chorus of fans in "Let's Go Fly a Kite" from Mary Poppins.

Pretty amazing, huh? Van Dyke was also in town for a performance at the Tivoli Theatre that was presented by The Walt Disney Birthplace and The Dick Van Dyke Foundation. Who wishes they could have been there in person? I know i do.

Kyle Burbank
Kyle is a writer living in Springfield, MO. His deep love of Disney and other pop culture finds its way into several aspects of his life and work. In addition to his position at LP, he's also the head writer for Fioney.com as well as his own personal finance site Moneyat30.com.