Former CFTOD Administrator Glen Gilzean Receiving 20K a Month Consulting Deal

Former Central Florida Tourism Oversight District Administrator Glen Gilzean is receiving $20,000 a month through December as part of a consulting agreement quietly inked when he stepped down in March.

What’s Happening:

  • According to the Orlando Sentinel, Gilzean, who stepped down from the CFTOD when appointed as Orange County Elections Supervisor, is still receiving money from the district.
  • Gilzean is being paid $20,000 a month through December as part of a consulting agreement quietly put together when he stepped down, effective as of April 1st.
  • Gov. Ron DeSantis appointed Gilzean, one of his political allies, to serve as Orange County’s supervisor of elections – with an annual salary of $205,000.
  • This information wasn’t publicly known until this time, but Stephanie Kopelousos, who replaced Gilzean at the CFTOD, authorized the agreement.
  • Between his elections job and consulting contract, Gilzean is drawing a taxpayer-funded income of about $37,000 a month.
  • The agreement doesn’t include a list of specific tasks for Gilzean, although it notes that requested services will be performed on a “part-time basis and shall not interfere with … other full-time employment obligations.”
  • The district can terminate the agreement early with or without cause, according to the terms.
Luke Manning
Luke is a fan of all things theme parks and self-proclaimed #1 fan of Joffrey’s Coffee, who lives in Kissimmee, FL