Recap: A Coven is Formed in the Second Episode of Marvel’s “Agatha All Along”

The only thing better than the premiere of a new Marvel series on Disney+, with a two-episode premiere of a new Marvel series on Disney+. With the first installment of Marvel’s Agatha All Along seeing its titular character break from Wanda’s spell, it’s time to head down the road.

The second episode opens with a frustrated Agatha storming about her house, while the teen is still tied up. He eventually get the duct tape off his mouth and asks Agatha to take him to the Witches’ Road, which grabs her attention. She tries to tell him it’s not real but he protests. She seems interested in his request but eventually refuses.

The teen admits to knowing a lot about Agatha and being a sort of fan. He explains that he broke her from Wanda’s spell. She asks him why he needs the road and he tells her he wants power. They explain that the road will give you whatever you’re missing if you can make it to the end. Agatha still refuses but the teen asks if she thinks she can outrun the people who are after her without magic. Agatha examines her locket and the hair inside before asking the teen who he is. When he tries to tell her his name, magic makes it appear as though his mouth is sewn shut. Agatha is curious about this but the teen seemingly doesn’t even know it’s happening.

The popular theory for who this teen character is, is Billy Kaplan, better known as Wiccan. Or perhaps, he is even better known as the son of Wanda Maximoff. Yes, that Billy from WandaVision. Wiccan and his brother Speed, the other son of Wanda Maximoff, are members of the Young Avengers in the comics. But for now, without proof as to who this character really is, we’ll just continue to refer to him as Teen.

Agatha heads off with Teen following. She explains that they’re going to need a coven to walk the road and her’s is long gone. Teen drives as he gets a call from “Boyf” and quickly ignores it. In the comics, Billy Kaplan dates and eventually marries Teddy Altman, better known as Hulkling, another member of the Young Avengers.

Agatha makes it clear she is not interested in Teen’s curious mind and attempts to learn more about witchcraft from her. They arrive at a psychic and Agatha poses as a southern widow who hopes to contact her deceased husband.  The psychic gives her a lie and Agatha seems to have gotten all the information she needs. She heads off but the psychic stops her by mentioning Wanda’s spell. She also tells Agatha she knows why she is here and that she’s not interested.

The woman is revealed to be Lilia Calderu, another character from the comics. Calderu is a descendant of Cagliostro and a relative of Baron Mordo, two names that might seem familiar from the Doctor Strange films. Here, while she seems to be a formidable witch, she also seems to be haunted by something as she occasionally screams in terror.

Agatha explains her plan to walk the road, which surprises Lilia. She asks about Teen but Agatha cuts him off before he can answer and tells her he is just her pet. Lilia also asks about Agatha’s likeliness to just steal her power, but Agatha tells her the only way she can do that is if Lilian blasts her with it. Agatha makes one final push to convince Lilia but again she refuses. Instead, Lilia gives her a list of names. After she writes it, Lilia says “three of pentacles,” referencing a tarot card that means teamwork or collaboration. She hands Agatha the list of witches who could make up her coven, not realizing her own name is on the list. They leave Lilia Agatha’s address and tell her to be there at five.

As Agatha and Teen leave, Agathan takes note of the fact that they’re being watched by a crow. They visit with the next witch on the list, Jennifer Kale. In the comics, Kale has been a member of the superhero team known as the Midnight Sons and has had run-ins with characters like Ghost Rider, Howard the Duck and others.

Kale makes it clear immediately she is not a fan of Agatha, but she still jumps right into her pitch to join her coven and walk the road. Agatha points out that Kale is no longer a witch and that she knows she wants back in. Kale still refuses and as Agatha walks away, Teen jumps in. Kale asks if this is “another child sacrifice,” a comment that clearly bothers Agatha. Teen brings up a recent legal issue Kale is facing with her beauty products causing injuries. They try to use this information to convince Kale to join and leave her with Agatha’s address.

Teen points out they have two to go but Agatha corrects him and says it’s just one. Teen protests and tries to check the list but Agatha eats it. Clearly she did not want to include one of the names on that list.

The two spy on their next witch from a mall food court. Agatha explains that their next target is the daughter of a famous witch and “goddess of rock.” Teen realizes she means Lorna Wu, who evidently wrote “the most famous version of the ballad,” referencing the song we heard Agatha humming in the beginning of the first episode. Agatha is disturbed to find a rat watching her, though, to be fair, anyone who sees a rat in the food court is probably going be a bit disturbed.

They enter the store in which Wu is working and Agatha explains that the rumor is Lorna Wu was lost to the road. She plants some merchandise in Teen’s pocket and tells him to run. Before he gets out of the store, a woman trips him and pins his arm behind his back. Agatha approaches and addresses the woman as Alice Wu-Gulliver. Another character from the comics, Alice was the daughter of August Wu of the Coral Shore, the magical guardian of Hong Kong. That full name was also referenced by Teen earlier when he geeked out about “Lorna Wu and the Coral Shore” as the name of the aforementioned goddess of rock’s band.

Agatha tells Alice they need a protection witch to walk the road but Alice shrugs her off. A man rushes in to see that his security guard has tacked a teenager and fires her. Agatha and Teen try to take advantage of this and convince her to join them on the road. Alice still refuses their offer and walks off.

As they drive back to Agatha’s house, she tries to get more information about Teen but his words are magically muted. Back at her house, Agatha notices a coyote watching her from the middle of the street. Teen prepares a welcome party for the coven, at which Agatha scoffs. Kale arrives, followed soon by Lilia and Alice. Agatha tries to start the process before Kale asks where their green witch is. She explains that they need an Earth magic specialist and refers to a green witch. Lilia says the last “name on the list” was just a black heart. Agatha laughs and says it was only black because she used black ink. She says she knows who it’s supposed to be and heads off.

Agatha finds Mrs. Hart tending to her garden. She tells Agatha her real name is Sharon and “Mrs. Hart” is just what Wanda branded her. Agatha invites her to a party and she agrees.

Agatha brings her new coven to her basement and sends Teen back upstairs. She explains to the coven that they need to sing the ballad and a door to the road will appear. Lilia screams in fear, as she does, and the group takes notice. Upstairs, Teen finds Agatha’s bunny before he notices something is off. The coven begins to sing as Teen sees a witch standing in the street. Herb also sees the witch but runs when six more appear. They seven approach Agatha’s house slowly and Teen runs back inside. The coven continues singing as Teen tries to block the door to keep the Salem Seven out.

The song ends and the coven notices nothing has happened. Upstairs the Salem Seven break into the house. Agatha tries to goat the rest of the coven into attacking her so she can steal their power, but they catch on to what she’s doing. As they argue, they notice the door to the road has appeared beneath them.

Upstairs, Teen is surrounded by the Salem Seven and he runs for the basement. Agatha opens the door and confirms it is the entrance to the road. Teen rushes in and heads right down into the road. The coven hears the shrieks of the Salem Seven and they all rush through the door, including Mrs. Hart. Agatha follows and closes the door just before the Salem Seven reach her.

She sees that the door has now disappeared and she heads down to meet her new coven. All six of them look on at the road, some in delight, some in fear. They all remove their shoes and prepare to walk down the road. Agatha leads the coven and the episode comes to a close.

This new series continues to do things you would not expect to see on Disney+ and takes the MCU down a new road. It’s clear they are going to be willing to dive deeper into the horror genre than Marvel has in the past, as is evident from the uncanny valley movement of the horrifying Salem Seven. This is a very exciting start to this series, with plenty of seeds planted for Marvel fans to be excited about.

The first two episodes of Marvel’s Agatha All Along are now streaming on Disney+.

Mike Mack
Mack is the Editorial Director for Marvel and ESPN content and he has covered comic cons, theme park events, video game showcases and other fun events. He is a fan of theme parks, sports, movies, Marvel Comics and is a self-proclaimed "nerd."