Recap: The Coven Faces Its First Trial in Wildly Fun Third Episode of “Agatha All Along”

After an exciting two-episode premiere last week, Marvel fans have been buzzing about Agatha All Along on Disney+. After the titular witch broke free from Wanda’s spell and formed a new coven of her own, she is ready to make the treacherous walk down the witches’ road.

The coven begins the walk down the road before Mrs. Hart protests her own involvement. The coven also takes note of what was chasing Agatha down into the road and acknowledges that they are their problem now too. The coven argues before discussing the trials that await them. They turn to Agatha for answers because she is the only one of them who has been down the road before. She explains that there will be a trial for each of their skills. When Kale questions how they can pass these trials without power, Teen explains they’ll have to use old school witchcraft.

Kale asks again who Teen really is and they see the magic that is muzzling him. Lilia explains that someone has put a sigil on him. Alice explains that a sigil is “a redaction spell that hides something.” He asks Agatha why someone would want to hide him. Lilia says he could be something special but Agatha is clearly trying to protect him from something, or for something.

Agatha goes down the line, pointing out everything each witch wants from the road before realizing Mrs. Hart is missing. We find her catching her breath by sitting on the side of the road. The road begins to swallow up her bag and she fights to get it back. The coven hears her screams and rushes to her aid, pulling her from the mud that is trying to pull her in. They explain they all need to stick to the road.

Kale notices a house in the distance that very clearly was not there before. The coven makes their way to the house and Lilia notices the door is marked with the phases of the moon. Teen points out that the moon is full, which is “the water phase.” Mrs. Hart rings the bell but Agatha opens the door and walks in. The coven follows.

In the house, the coven has been transformed to match the vibe of the preppy beach house. Teen finds a card that explains their trial. The card has a riddle, which Mrs. Hart inadvertently but correctly answers with “wine.” They find a bottle of wine on the table and assume they need to drink it for the trial.

Kale follows Teen into the next room and tries to warn him about Agatha. She tells him she “traded her own child for the book of the damned.” This would explain why Agatha looked into the empty room in the first episode, and remember, Nicholas Scratch is the son of Agatha Harkness in the comics. Kale goes on to say no one knows what has happened to Agatha’s son since then, and that he might be “an agent of Mephisto.”

[Insert ‘The Office’ It’s Happening Gif here] They’ve done it! They’ve finally done it! After weeks of speculating about Mephisto during WandaVision and years of assuming we were wrong ever since, the MCU has finally made mention of the comic-famous demon! Mephisto is a bigtime villain in the Marvel Comics. He has challenged several heroes, including Doctor Strange, Spider-Man and even the Avengers. His inclusion in the MCU could lead to some major storylines and it would be very exciting to see him pop up. For now though, we’ll celebrate the simple name drop.

Agatha pours the win for the coven and Mrs. Hart is the first to drink. Once she finished her glass, they notice a timer start counting down from 30 minutes. The rest of the coven drink but they refuse to let Teen have any. Agatha strays from the group and pours out her wine. Teen asks Alice about her tattoo of a symbol that wards off curses. Alice explains her mother made her get it because she thought all of the women in her family were cursed. We then see Agatha’s glass magically refill with wine.

They notice Mrs. Hart’s face is swollen and put together that it’s a result of poison in the wine. They all see their faces are swollen, except for Agatha, who didn’t drink the wine. Their faces all go back to normal but Kale, who is their potions expert, realizes what's happening. She goes through the symptoms of this specific poison, which of course ends in death.

Teen notices Agatha didn’t drink the poison and they argue that she needs to because they can’t cheat. Agatha smashes her glass with the rest of the wine but Alice notices her glass refilling. Teen says if she isn’t going to drink then he will, but Agatha rushes to stop him. Again it is clear she knows something about him and is protecting him. Does she know he is the son of the Scarlet Witch?

Agatha finally drinks the wine. Mrs. Hart is the first to suffer from hallucinations from the poison and she calls out for Wanda to let her husband breathe, calling back to WandaVision. Agatha tells Kale it’s time to brew an antidote and she sends the coven off for the ingredients she needs.

As the coven splits off to find the ingredients, Lilia blurts out “try to save Agatha,” which Agatha shrugs off. It’s probably safe to assume her seemingly random outbursts will play a role in a future episode. As the coven works, one by one we see them start to suffer from hallucinations.

Alice walks into a room where she finds her mother saying the curse is coming to kill her. Kale is confronted by a man who calls her “an inconvenient woman” and tries to drown her in the sink. Lilia follows a Victorian era woman down a black hallway that leads to two ghostly-looking witches. All of their hallucinations break at the same time and they realize they’re safe.

They return to Kale with the ingredients needed for the potion but realize the house is now under water and the window is beginning to crack. They rush to work on the antidote but they’re struggling because of the potion. As they work, Agatha is distracted by her hallucination. He hears the cries of a baby and sees a bassinet. She approaches it and lifts a blanket to find nothing but the Darkhold. She screams in fear as the hallucination breaks. Teen asks what she saw but she says nothing and they go back to work.

The potion isn’t working properly because they’re missing an ingredient, which Kale realizes is the blood of the unpoisoned. Agatha cuts Teen’s and lets some of his blood spill into the potion. They drink it and immediately feel better but notice the timer is still ticking. They realize they need to get the potion to Mrs. Hart and begin to pour it into her mouth as the timer runs out. The ocean pops open and if they question if that’s supposed to be their exit. Suddenly, the glass shatters and water rushes in. The coven scrambles to get Mrs. Hart and escape through the oven. They slide out of the house and back onto the road. They stand to realize they’ve all made it out alive. Everyone except for Mrs. Hart, who was seemingly killed by the poison.

Oh this show is going to be fun! Not only are we getting references to major Marvel Comics villains who the fans have been wanting to see for years, but we’re also getting a series of escape room-like trials with this incredibly entertaining cast? Agatha All Along is off to a very strong start and with six episodes left, there’s no telling where it’s going to go.

The first three episodes of Marvel’s Agatha All Along are now streaming on Disney+.

Mike Mack
Mack is the Editorial Director for Marvel and ESPN content and he has covered comic cons, theme park events, video game showcases and other fun events. He is a fan of theme parks, sports, movies, Marvel Comics and is a self-proclaimed "nerd."