Bill Attempts To Beat The Traffic While We Learn A Whole Lot More About Vasquez On This Week’s “Big City Greens” on Disney Channel

We finally get some answers about where Vasquez came from and the Order of the Fang, after a highly relatable moment with Bill and trying to avoid that pesky Big City traffic that gets thwarted by the rest of his family on this week’s Big City Greens.

Family Tree

It’s bright and early one morning in Smalton - well, maybe not bright but definitely early - and today is the day! Today is the day that Bill and the family are going to drive back to Big City and beat the traffic. To ensure this, he is tracking the map on his phone, and the route is currently showing that the roads are clear. Emphasized by the green on the roads of the map.

Gramma is ready to get road sleep and is not to be bothered, but Cricket has already been bothered by the fact that he is up way too early. Another early riser - Nancy. She has a lot to do on the farm today, but is not along for the traffic-free journey.

Everyone is accounted for it seems, except for Tilly. Bill is ready to go and discovers his daughter in the top of an old tree, just enjoying the tree. He really wants to leave and beat the traffic, so he sends Cricket up to do his dirty work and get his sister down so they can leave. Alas, Tilly convinces Cricket to climb up and enjoy the ambiance and environment of the tree as well. Now Bill has a bigger problem. Both the kids are up there and refusing to come down.

He finds Nancy and sends her up the tree - after all, the kids like her better anyway.

Their mother climbs the tree as well and is swayed by the literal fruits of the tree, taking a bite of an apple, and she too decides she is not coming down.

That’s it, the map is now orange and Bill is ready to go. So, he breaks out the big guns - Gramma has been sleeping in the truck and is expecting to arrive in Big City. She’s going to be furious to discover that they haven’t even left yet. Sure enough, that’s what happens and Gramma charges up the tree to get her grandchildren. As she makes the journey, Tilly points out that this tree is like the one in her yard, prompting her to smell some of the flowers in the tree as smell triggers the most memories.

In doing so, Gramma flashes back to her youth and when she fells in love, and relishes the memories. She too decides to stay in the tree.

Bill is beside himself as the map is now showing the darkest shade of red. The family is now beckoning him to come join, so he does, and discovers all the joys of three.

Tilly asks him to join her all the way at the top of the tree and the family follows suit in a heartwarming moment where they all watch the sunrise together.


There’s a big event at the Big City community center, a celebration of all things medieval. Remy is joining in the fun too, but for the first time ever - doesn’t need Vasquez to go with him as protection.

This prompts a bit of a breakdown on Vasquez’s part as he can’t accept that Remy no longer needs him. After all, he’s been with Remy his entire life. At the suggestion of the Remingtons, Vasquez seeks out a therapist to help him cope with the situation after his panic attack.

There he tells the therapist, and us, the origin story we’ve been waiting for. After all, through several episodes in the past seasons of the show we know that Vasquez was part of the Order of the Fang, with archrival Viper Fang.

Well, it turns out that they were together long ago to steal the ancient scrolls of the Order - which the Remingtons had purchased as part of their private historical collection. Tiger Fang (Vasquez) and Viper Fang were going to steal it back when they discovered that it actually was one of the prized possessions of their new baby - Remy. Despite numerous attempts, Vasquez couldn’t get the scroll away from the infant when Viper Fang made a more daring suggestion - take the infant. We see Vasquez pick up Baby Remy and develop an instant connection and want to protect him, especially from Viper Fang. He turns on the order and insists that the baby cannot be harmed. As such, he is attacked by Viper Fang and the order, and the ruckus combined with Remy’s cries alert his parents. They arrive on scene and see the fight breaking out and quickly realize that Vasquez is actually protecting their child. As such, they are rooting for him to win this fight (which he does) and afterward, quickly offer him the opportunity to protect their child.

After the backstory, during the session Vasquez’s tracker of Remy alerts him to higher than normal perspiration levels, implying Remy might be in some kind of danger.

Taking the therapist and the family helicopter, they venture out to the community center to make sure he is okay. Above on the rooftop, Vasquez watches Remy jousting with Cricket (AKA That reckless boy from the country), and attempts to break in to protect him from the danger.

Alas, the therapist does her best to stop him and let Remy do something on his own for once. Her efforts work, as a moment later he realizes Remy is laughing and having fun, not in any real harm.

After the event, Vasquez picks Remy up after his day of fun at the community center, where he realizes that it’s true - Remy doesn’t need him around anymore.

However, another heartfelt moment occurs when Remy reminds Vasquez that just because he doesn’t need him around doesn’t mean he doesn’t WANT him around. Calling Vasquez his Buddy-guard, the two remain the inseparable pair they always have been as they head home.

This episode of Big City Greens is now available on Disney Channel and the DisneyNOW app. You can catch up with earlier seasons streaming now on Disney+.

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Tony Betti
Originally from California where he studied a dying artform (hand-drawn animation), Tony has spent most of his adult life in the theme parks of Orlando. When he’s not writing for LP, he’s usually watching and studying something animated or arguing about “the good ole’ days” at the parks.