The new Disney Jr. animated series, inspired by Disney’s live action The Little Mermaid, is now streaming on Disney+! Releasing alongside the show is the brand new soundtrack showcasing the musical numbers of the series.
What’s Happening:
- Walt Disney Records released the new soundtrack from Disney Jr.’s Ariel today, June 28th.
- The highly anticipated animated series, which debuted yesterday on Disney Jr. and Disney Channel, is inspired by Disney’s The Little Mermaid. The show is also streaming on Disney+.
- The new album showcases the new series’ musical numbers. With original tracks inspired by Caribbean music, the album contains 10 different songs:
- 1. "Ariel (Theme Song)”
- 2. "Shimmer”
- 3. "Making Waves”
- 4. "One Colorful Ocean”
- 5. "Zim Zam Bazoo”
- 6. "Let Your Music Play”
- 7. "So Many Flavors”
- 8. "Sebastian's Song”
- 9. "Trust in What You Know”
- 10. "Enjoy the Ride”
- Credited on the album are acclaimed song writers Anthony M. Jones (Tone), Sofia Quinn, Olivia Waithe, Chantry Johnson, Michelle Zarlenga and Rosemarie Tan. Emmy Award winner Christopher Willis serves as composer with Sean Skeete as the Caribbean music consultant.
- The album is available now on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and various other digital retailers.
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