“Shuri’s Invention” — With a Plan in Place, Players Get Their First Attempt at Stopping Dr. Doom in Week 3 of Fortnite: Absolute Doom’s Story Quests

We are back for week 3 of Fortnite: Absolute Doom’s Story Quest series. In this season, Dr. Doom has harnessed the power of Pandora’s Box and infiltrated Fortnite’s Battle Royale island. With new locations, such as The Raft, Doomstadt, and Castle Doom, players will be confronted with Doom’s Latverian army and allies as they try to take over. With the help of some of Marvel’s bravest heroes, players will attempt to stop Doom from completing his powerful armor and return order back to the island.

In set 1 and 2, titled Are We Doomed? and Heroes Assemble respectively, players learned that Doom is attempting to “cleanse” the island of its impurities and make himself ruler. To accomplish this, we discovered that Dr. Doom is curating armor specifically designed to use the magic of Pandora’s Box. Described as chaotic and untamed, his new armor will allow him to control the incomparable power. After training with some of the new Marvel items and weapons, players learned that Shuri, AKA Black Panther, has ideas about how to get Dr. Doom out of hiding so we can stop his master plan.

The new Story Questline, Shuri’s Invention, has six separate stages. Just like with the last two sets, we are gonna go over how to complete each stage and what is happening in this season’s storyline. Always remember to track your quests so your objectives can be seen on the map when available.

  1. Complete SHADOW Briefings – The hardest part of this challenge is locating the computers to start the SHADOW Briefings. Below you’ll find a map of all computers on the map. For me, I visited Doomstadt. Underneath a bridge next to the main plaza of the point of interest (POI) you’ll find one of these computers. Interacting with this particular computer will allow you to choose one of three different weapon challenges. Upon selecting the mission, you’ll have an indicator in the upper left-hand side that will tell you how long you have to complete it. You’ll need to do this twice, and it can be done in the same match from this same computer. Other computers may offer supply drop pickups or vehicle spawns, which can only be performed once a match. After completing the first SHADOW briefing, you’ll be included in a call between Hope and Jones. Shuri thinks she can use recalibrators on the Rift beacons around Castle Doom to send Doom through a controlled Rift away from the island. Players must get the parts to her so we can attempt the tech on Doombot, who we need to defeat to expose where Doom is hiding.

SHADOW Briefing map courtesy of Fortniteworld.app

  1. Hold 3 Different Epic or Better Items at One Time – This challenge is incredibly easy. Players must have three items that are purple or gold rarity. They don’t need to be taken from eliminated players like last week. Upon completing my SHADOW Briefings, I already had them in my inventory. It completed automatically. Upon finishing this challenge, you’ll be sent to hand over the parts for the recalibrators to Shuri.

  2. Deliver Parts to Shuri – This is also a fairly straightforward and easy challenge. Players will just need to speak with Shuri near the Nitrodome. Upon handing over the parts, Shuri confirms she will have the recalibrators ready to go soon. You’ll also receive a call from Hope, who confides in you that she feels unworthy of her leadership. Shuri has traveled to another dimension to help fight Doom, but Hope feels, without powers, that all she has is, ironically, hope.

  1. Attach Rift Recalibrators on Rift Beacons – Another incredibly straightforward quest requires you to attach the newly created recalibrators onto the Rift beacons surrounding Castle Doom. All players have to do is approach the satellite-like tech and interact with it to complete this challenge. You must attach recalibrators to three separate beacons to complete it. Now players are ready for the attack.

  1. Defeat Doombot – This is, by far, the most challenging quest of the week. Doombot is one of the island's three bosses, and he can only be defeated once per match. You’ll need to make the final shot to complete this challenge. As you begin fighting Doombot, Hope will inform you the Rift beacons are short circuiting, making the efforts of the heroes futile. But once the fight has started, you’ll have to finish it. Be very careful during this fight. Doombot has several high powered attacks that can knock your health and shield levels down dramatically. Another issue in this fight is his Latverian Army. After knocking out all of Doombot’s shield, an army of the NPCs will arrive to try and stop you from taking down the boss. Something else to look out for is other players. There were several times where I had almost taken Doombot down only to be eliminated by a nearby opponent. Some players will wait in the balconies, let you do most of the work, and take you down before finishing Doombot out themselves. Maybe that’s a strategy you can use if you are struggling to defeat him. After destroying Doombot, players will hear from Doom himself. In a message directed at Hope, Doom warns her that, while she may be the prophecy of Pandora’s Box, he is judgment and he intends to win the war.

  1. Retreat and Talk to Hope – After the warning, players will be prompted to return to Hope. Through the data she received from the recalibrators, Hope shares that she and Shuri discovered the tech had been altered. Doom’s allies, Mysterio and Emma Frost, tampered with the beacons. The next step is stopping them.

  1. OPTIONAL: Eliminate any Doctor Doom on the Island – This quest requires you to eliminate other players wearing the new Dr. Doom skin unlocked through the Doom Quests or a player who has acquired Doom’s armor from the Isle of Doom rift point. You can read more about these quests and the Isle of Doom here.

And that completes this week's set of Story Quests. With next week bringing in a new set titled The Illusionist, I think it's safe to say that Mysterio will play a huge part in the story. Join us next week as we keep discovering Doom’s plan and how we have to take him down.

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Maxon Faber
Based in Los Angeles, California, Maxon is roller coaster and musical theatre nerd. His favorite dinosaur is the parasaurolophus, specifically the one in Jurassic World: The Ride.