Review: Fortnite’s Limited-Time “Day of Doom” Gamemode Captures the Action and Excitement of Marvel

The new game mode, which was released on Tuesday, allows up to 32 players to face-off in teams as Avengers or Doom’s Henchmen.

In Fortnite: Absolute Doom, Dr. Doom has harnessed the power of Pandora’s Box and infiltrated Fortnite’s Battle Royale island. With new locations, such as The Raft, Doomstadt, and Castle Doom, players will be confronted with Doom’s Latverian army and allies as they try to take over. With the help of some of Marvel’s bravest heroes, players will attempt to stop Doom from completing his powerful armor and return order back to the island.

As the season has progressed, new Marvel themed weapons, in-game events, and more have been added to the game. From now until October 4th, Fortnite players can compete in a 16 v 16 battle between good and evil in the new Day of Doom gamemode. When entering the game, players will be placed in the Chapter 5 lobby as they wait to board one of two battle buses.

As the match begins, you’ll be assigned Hero or Henchmen, which determines your goal for the game. If you are assigned Doom’s Henchmen, your appearance will change to fit your role. Henchmen are tasked with collecting Arcane Artifacts. You’ll also be outfitted with several Mythic level weapons, including Doom’s Gloves.

Heroes, on the other hand, maintain their cosmetic appearance within the game. These players must prevent the Henchmen from obtaining the artifacts. Weapons distributed vary based on respawn. Sometimes you’ll have shotguns, other times you’ll be equipped with Iron Man’s full loadout.

Dropped periodically throughout the map, players will need to move quickly and efficiently to either protect or obtain the artifacts. At the beginning of the match, Henchmen start with 80 respawns for the entire team, meaning once those are gone, the henchmen will lose. Heroes start with unlimited respawns. To win, Henchmen must collect all six Arcane Artifacts, which can be seen when dropped by map indicators.

Once all six are collected, the Heroes will no longer be able to respawn, meaning the Henchmen must take out all remaining opposing players. If the henchmen have a significant amount of respawns available, victory should be easy.

For Heroes, they must deplete the full gauge of respawns for Team Henchmen. This requires coordination, as there are frequently multiple artifacts on the map at once. Occasionally, Dr. Doom will help the Henchmen prompting the heroes to take down the supervillain in addition to the other players.

This game mode is incredibly fun. Starting as a henchmen, I really enjoyed being on the offensive, fighting alongside my fellow Doom followers. With a predictable loadout of weapons, playing as a henchmen gives you an advantage. I also really enjoyed the feeling of successfully obtaining the artifacts. The goals of being a Henchmen feel more complex in comparison to the Heroes. What I enjoyed about being a hero was getting to switch up how I strategized taking down the Henchmen. It felt incredible being equipped with Iron Man’s Flight Kit and Combat Kit, especially with how frustrating it is to obtain both in regular Battle Royale matches. Overall, this capture-the-flag-esque gamemode is a really great alternative to regular matches. While it might not be as replayable as regular game modes, it is absolutely fun to be able to step into these Marvel-inspired teams. Fortnite has a plethora of gamemodes, both created by Epic Games and other independent creators, but these season specific limited time modes always make jumping into the battle that much better. I highly recommend checking out Day of Doom before it disappears on October 4th.

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Maxon Faber
Based in Los Angeles, California, Maxon is roller coaster and musical theatre nerd. His favorite dinosaur is the parasaurolophus, specifically the one in Jurassic World: The Ride.