Kevin’s Outrageous Disguise and Gretel’s Athleisure Wear Pyramid Scheme in This Week’s “Hamster & Gretel” on Disney Channel

Let's be honest. We might have bought some of those pants too.

Kevin basically saves the day on his own this week before Gretel gets caught up in a totally not-a-pyramid scheme involving some dangerous athleisure wear in this week’s Hamster & Gretel on Disney Channel.

Paging Dr. Potatini

Kevin is at the hospital waiting for his mom to finish her shift as a nurse. He is so hungry though, as he’s been waiting for their promised dinner together at the Pasta Pit but Mom keeps getting bogged down at work. Now, Kevin must fend for himself, at least when it comes to getting a snack to hold him over in the interim. While he’s been sitting in the waiting room, toying with the vending machine to get some kind of snack, a veritable buffet of food makes its way behind the closed doors of the hospital. Blocked by a security guard, Kevin discovers that this food is only for the doctors. Fortunately, he spies a lost & found nearby, which is currently playing host to not only a lab coat, but a wig and fake glasses as well.

Throwing on the garb, he is able to make his way to the buffet where another doctor comes in and accuses him of being a fraud – but not Kevin in the wig. You see, in his disguise, Kevin looks exactly like the youngest doctor in town, Dr. Potatini, who apparently is the rival to this middle-aged former award winner.

Promising to out him for the fraud he is, Kevin now has to deal with this guy too just to get a sandwich. To make matters worse, he is being dragged away from the food he so desperately wants because he – as the doctor- is needed to help a patient remove a splinter. That patient just happens to be an evil Baker villain from the show’s past who is out to bury the city in a sticky dough, the only reason he hasn’t yet is because he has a splinter in his button pressing future.

Kevin immediately recognizes him, and is trying to get a hold of Gretel for help, but she can’t answer the phone because she is currently seeing a movie with their Dad, and you know you can’t answer a cell phone in the theater!

So, very much on his own, Kevin is doing his best to distract the villain and kill time before he can get help. Unfortunately, his mother comes in on her nursing rounds and sees that it's just a splinter needing to be removed and does so very easily, despite all of Kevin’s/the doctor’s orders.

He is on his way out and Kevin tries to stop him in the hallway, inevitably getting blasted with the dough gun and the dough just disappears. Surprising not only himself, but also the villain, Kevin is so hungry that he is simply just eating all of the dough that is being blasted at him.

This takes a moment but inevitably the authorities arrive and our villain is arrested once again. Kevin is now so full though that any desire to go to the Pasta Pit is long gone.

Snazzy Pantzz

Stressed from the looming doom that awaits with the pending arrival of Mordros the Annihilator, Gretel decides to help her mom with her new not-a-pyramid scheme that is totally a pyramid scheme, selling Snazzy Pantzz. It turns out that whoever sells the most will win an all expenses-paid luxury vacation. It seems as though everyone in town is in on the competition though, as all of their attempts for an advantage, someone has already thought of. The only way they seem to get a leg up though is if they have some kind of celebrity endorsement. Fortunately, Gretel knows somebody – herself – and is able to create a special ad that will drive sales and help her mom win.

Kevin, meanwhile, is helping Hamster rethink his living space, after the stint earlier this season wherein he was shrunk down and forced to live with Hamster for safekeeping. All of Kevin’s ideas don’t seem to be good ones though, as they actually impede upon actual survival needs for Hamster, like his water bottle that he actually needs to drink from. It gets to a boiling point when Hamster is ready to call in a different interior designer…who happens to be busy, so he’s stuck with Kevin.

Carolina’s sales are through the roof thanks to Gretel’s ad, though Gretel says she just put up signs. That’s when we cut over to the local prison and learn who the mind behind Snazzy Pantzz is, and it’s the evil seamstress Connie McBurlap. In prison, she was able to get her hands on so much free fabric because nobody else wanted it. Why? It’s covered in nuclear waste. In fact, if you continuously rub it, it generates so much static electricity and can transfer to the other pairs. So she concocted a scheme (that’s totally not a pyramid scheme) to make them the hottest selling fashion item that way she can escape. Seems like now would be a good time for a song!

Gretel and her mom are out of their Snazzy Pantzz after selling them all and Connie has created a massive pair of pants that have enough static electricity flowing through them to come to life. Gretel and Hamster take on the villain, where Gretel learns that she herself helped Connie’s plan, and that’s not the worst part. The worst part? There is no luxury vacation!

Knowing that her pants are powered by static electricity, Hamster & Gretel head to the prison’s laundry room. There, they grab as many static cling sheets as they could, and fly back to the towering pants to de-static cling them and essentially power them down so they fall lifeless into the prison yard, allowing Connie to be recaptured.

Back at home, Hamster comes home to find that Kevin has given up on the redesign of his cage, however it was a velvet carpeted running wheel that got Hamster’s attention, something that he will cherish and making it the best easily one of the best days of his life.

This episode of Hamster & Gretel is now available on Disney Channel and the DisneyNOW website. You can catch up with earlier seasons and episodes now streaming on Disney+.

Tony Betti
Originally from California where he studied a dying artform (hand-drawn animation), Tony has spent most of his adult life in the theme parks of Orlando. When he’s not writing for LP, he’s usually watching and studying something animated or arguing about “the good ole’ days” at the parks.