Meet Pam and A Potential Business Tater As Her Final Form In This Week’s “Primos”

Tater’s summer continues, and she experiences a dermatological dream(?) come true and perhaps taking on a business persona as her final form in one of the latest episodes of Primos.

Summer of Pam

Tater is having that terrifying booster seat dream again which needs to stop. She is almost 10 and much too old and mature for a booster seat. As she is mad at herself for having the dream again, she catches her reflection in a mirror and discovers her first pimple. See, she was right! Pimples are a clear sign of maturity and she plans on keeping this one forever, even going on to name it Pam.

She needs to show this off to the world, and plans on revealing the pimple through a Zit Ceneara. As she encounters all her primos for the day, she is stopped by the T sisters, who insist she does not go outside. After the rest of the primos encounter Tater and Pam, they all have ideas to deal with Pam. Some want to hide it, and some want to pop it. Namely Nacho, Nachito, and Cha Cha.

Coming up with a scheme, Tater decides to go with the T sisters, as she can then keep Pam, as opposed to the immediate destruction that would come with popping her. Deciding on a haircut, the T sisters take action before getting an argument amongst themselves about past bad haircuts. This gives Tater a chance to get away before being stopped by Lot Lot, who tries using a plethora of makeup to hide Pam, but in turn, only makes Pam grow larger, and more visible to Nacho and Nachito who desperately want to pop the pimple. On her way out the door, Cha Cha climbs all over Tater and attempts to get the zit herself. However, Pimple Power has now given Tater some special The Matrix-esque moves that allow her to dodge the primos.

Tater finally makes it outside and is immediately ridiculed by her neighbor, questioning if it was the right decision to keep Pam, even seeing a bus drive through the neighborhood that caused her to believe that she was ugly. As she goes back inside after a musical number wherein she realizes she will have to get rid of Pam, all the other primos have left to go see a movie. Only the oldest primo, Lita, is around and shows Tater that she too has pimples, and not to fear. They are a part of life and they will come and go.

Summer of La Trabajadora (Summer of Work)

It’s Primo Pizza Hour again and the gang has all shown up at Quakey’s, the local pizza establishment that Tater has frequented her whole life, despite a downward turn in staffing and live entertainment on the stage.

Lita shows up for just a bit but has to leave to go work her three jobs so that she can pursue her dreams of being a big time musician.

Could this be the final form Tater is meant to take on this summer, becoming Business Tater? Maybe. So she tags along with Lita to help her chase her dreams.

So we venture along with Tater and Lita as she takes on her first job as a Grub Schlub Driver, even though she has already picked up all the food she needs to deliver and has left it in her very warm car. Tater is navigating with the GPS while Lita is driving and making the deliveries…poorly. She is chucking the wrong food to the wrong house out of the window, in one case even landing it on the roof of the house.

These poor deliveries lead to poor reviews that Tater can see while she uses the app, and decides to delete them. Unfortunately, the reviews and the deletions lead to Lita’s account being banned and essentially fired from Grub Schlub. Tater feels like this is her fault, and sees visions of Lita’s dreams changing and becoming less likely.

Either way, it’s on to job #2, at a nearby clothing store. While Tater is trying on business suits to help become Business Tater (except for the lack of Tiger-themed business suit), a man needs help trying on some pants. Lita, who has already created a visually stunning display of the mannequins as a rock band, rushes over to help and asks Tater to bring over the steamer to help stretch the pants to fit.

This causes a chain reaction of chaos with hot steam spraying the man and a fire erupting throughout the store, eventually leading to the loss of job #2. Tater, again, feels responsible but Lita ensures her that it was not her fault. In fact, it was her idea to even use the steamer in the first place.

Finally, it’s off to Job #3, where Lita walks into a very bland office setting to discover that they have hired too many people for the position, and an interview must now take place to see who is the best candidate for the job. Another person is already on scene for the interview, so the pressure is on. Tater sees this as an opportunity for redemption, and gives Lita a full business makeover. Changing her outfit, her hair, and really everything about Lita to make sure she gets the job. She sends her eldest primo into the interview, and moments later we discover that the other guy got the job.

When asked why, the receptionist said that he was the only one who actually interviewed for the position. Tater discovers Lita in her car waiting, and Tater asks why she left. Turns out, Lita didn’t want to change herself as a person for a job she is only taking that she can make money to chase her dreams. People should work in order to live, not the other way around.

Tater has a better idea, and its back to Quakey’s.

It’s the next day for another Primos Pizza Hour and the pizza is hot and ready and at the table much quicker than ever before. Turns out, Lita got a job at Quakeys not only serving up the pies, but also taking the stage and providing live entertainment and the first steps of chasing her musician dreams. Her first piece of fan merchandise has even debuted and is given to Tater – a tiger themed blazer.

This episode of Primos is now available on Disney Channel and the DisneyNOW app. You can also catch it streaming now on Disney+.

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Tony Betti
Originally from California where he studied a dying artform (hand-drawn animation), Tony has spent most of his adult life in the theme parks of Orlando. When he’s not writing for LP, he’s usually watching and studying something animated or arguing about “the good ole’ days” at the parks.