“The Golden Girls” Reference Hidden in Marvel’s “Deadpool & Wolverine”

Marvel’s Deadpool & Wolverine is absolutely loaded with easter eggs and references, but we’re betting there is at least one that went under your radar. Andy Park, Director of Visual Development at Marvel Studios, recently confirmed a very funny reference to the beloved ‘80s sitcom The Golden Girls.

  • Park shared a post on his Instagram account, showcasing Deadpool’s signature swords from the new film, with their black and gold blades.
  • A closer look reveals that the bottoms of the hilts of these new swords bare the initials “DR” and “BS.”
  • While there are more obvious jokes that could be made with those initials in relation to Deadpool, Park revealed that they are actually meant to be the initials of the four Golden Girls:
    • Dorothy
    • Rose
    • Blanche
    • Sophia

  • Park goes on in his post to say that his hope was for Deadpool to refer to these swords as his Golden Girls.
  • This comes after Deadpool’s swords in the first two Deadpool films were dubbed “Bea” and “Arthur,” referencing one of the stars of the sitcom.
  • The names can even be seen on the swords in the opening credits of Deadpool 2.

More on Deadpool & Wolverine:

Mike Mack
Mack is the Editorial Director for Marvel and ESPN content and he has covered comic cons, theme park events, video game showcases and other fun events. He is a fan of theme parks, sports, movies, Marvel Comics and is a self-proclaimed "nerd."