“The Illusionist” — Players Must Take Down Mysterio in Part 4 of Fortnite: Absolute Doom’s Story Quests

We are back for week 4 of Fortnite: Absolute Doom’s Story Quest series. In this season, Dr. Doom has harnessed the power of Pandora’s Box and infiltrated Fortnite’s Battle Royale island. With new locations, such as The Raft, Doomstadt, and Castle Doom, players will be confronted with Doom’s Latverian army and allies as they try to take over. With the help of some of Marvel’s bravest heroes, players will attempt to stop Doom from completing his powerful armor and return order back to the island.

Throughout the first three sets of Story Quests, titled Are We Doomed…?, Heroes Assemble, and Shuri’s Invention, players learned that Doom is attempting to “cleanse” the island of its impurities and make himself ruler. His plan requires him to curate armor specifically designed to harness the chaotic and untamable power of Pandora’s Box. After uniting with some of Marvel’s mightiest heroes, players trained with some of their powerful weapons, worked with Shuri, AKA Black Panther, to come up with a plan to pull Doom out of hiding, and test that plan on Doombot. Using rift recalibrators, players attempted to capture Doombot, but Dr. Doom’s allies thwarted our plan. Now we have to stop Mysterio and Emma Frost before we can even attempt to stop Dr. Doom from taking over the island.

With seven separate stages, this week's Story Quest set is called The Illusionist. We are gonna break down how to complete these quests and explore what’s happening in this season’s storyline. Reminder: Always track your quests so your objectives appear on the map when available.

  1. Toss common items at Doomstadt – This is a very straight forward quest. Head to Doomstadt and pick up any item of grey rarity. The easiest way to do this is by picking up a stack of bandages. Each stack contains 5 sets, which each count as a discarded common item. Tossing all 5 out of your inventory will complete the quest. After, an audio cutscene will kick off between The Oracle and Jones. Jones highlights the weird energy in Doomstadt, which The Oracle quickly clarifies is Mysterio’s illusions. Doom has enlisted the villain to help create the perfect World, even if it isn’t real.

  1. Hit an opponent within 10 seconds of exiting a hiding place – This challenge is also pretty straight forward. Hide in a dumpster or a porta-potty until an opponent comes near. Hope out and take your shot. An easy way to do this consists of luring one of the Latverian Guards in Doomstadt near the dumpster on the west side, hide in it, pop back out and shoot.

  1. Wake up brainwashed characters or eliminate hired followers – Next up you’ll have to save several of Fortnite’s Non-Playable Characters (NPCs). Hypnotized by Mysterio’s illusions, Rust, Peabody, and Brite Raider all believe in Dr. Doom’s plan for the island. Again, this quest is very straightforward. Head to Reclaimed Villa, Pea Bois HQ, and the dock south of Megalo Depot and simply follow the dialog prompts to snap them out of it. Hope will give you a call after talking to the last NPC. Her impassioned rant surrounding the immorality of Doom and Mysterio’s mind manipulation proves to players that she's ready to take out Dr. Doom.

  1. Destroy surveillance cameras – Next, you’ll head back to Doomstadt to destroy security cameras around the small town. Once you find one, you can shoot or pickaxe the cameras until you break them. You’ll have to break 5 surveillance cameras around Doomstadt.

  1. Defeat Mysterio – Players are tasked with another one of this season’s boss battles. Mysterio, who’s located in the central courtyard of Doomstadt, is an easier fight than Doombot. However, Mysterio has a few tricks up his sleeve. Mysterio duplicates, making it hard for players to know if they are using their ammo on the correct opponent. On top of that, Doom’s Latverian army is there to assist Mysterio. But if you maintain a close distance to him and shoot him with a high fire-rate weapon, it isn’t too hard to take down the illusionist. He also drops an incredibly powerful Mythic Shotgun that will make getting a Battle Royale that much easier. Hope contacts you and Jones, congratulating you on taking down the supervillain. She reveals that they are working on fixing the rift recalibrators so that we can successfully get Doom out of hiding. However, we still need to handle Emma Frost. It seems as though everything is falling into place.
  2. Graffiti Doomstadt – After defeating The Illusionist, it’s time to make your mark on Doomstadt. Spray paint five times throughout the town to complete this challenge.

  1. Graffiti the Central Statue in Doomstadt – Putting a cherry on top of the victory, players need to spray paint the Dr. Doom statue in the center of the courtyard. It will automatically cover the entire statue, completing your quest to eliminate Mysterio from Dr. Doom’s equation. Make sure you spray the Doom and not just the base of the statue, otherwise it will not count. The Oracle and Hope chime in after completing this. Hope is confident she has everything she needs to take down Doom now that Mysterio’s illusions have been shattered. However, The Oracle warns Hope that the anger and power she is growing may be going to her head. Hope is encouraged to evaluate her intentions behind her new found passion for justice.

That’s all for this week's Story Quests. Players are getting closer and closer to preventing Doom’s master plan. However, we still need to take down Emma Frost before getting to Dr. Doom. Next week’s Story Quests are titled I am Iron Man, hinting that another one of Marvel’s Avengers will join the fight to restore order to Fortnite’s Battle Royale Island. Join us next week for Part 5.

Epic Games’ Fortnite is a free-to-play online multiplayer game available on all major gaming consoles and PC.

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Maxon Faber
Based in Los Angeles, California, Maxon is roller coaster and musical theatre nerd. His favorite dinosaur is the parasaurolophus, specifically the one in Jurassic World: The Ride.