Hasbro Releases More Details for HasLab Star Wars Cantina Project: Dimensions, Accessories, New Pipeline Figure
Several weeks ago, we reported on the latest impressive Star Wars The Vintage Collection campaign from Hasbro’s HasLab crowdfunding platform: the Mos Eisley Cantina from the original Star Wars film, AKA Episode IV: A New Hope. And today the designers behind the project held a presentation in which they revealed some new details about the project.
The major aspect the designers and marketing team wanted to get across about the proposed Mos Eisley Cantina were its dimensions, which you can see in the six images above and below. On the whole, the Cantina itself (in its Deluxe Edition form) is over 32 inches deep and 29 inches wide, but as displayed in these images it can also be broken up into smaller sections like the entrance, booths, bar, and rear exit. The dimensions for each of these individual portions of the playset are as follows:
Next, the HasLab Star Wars team released a very fun “menu"-style rendering of all the playset pieces, accessories, and action figures that would come with the Mos Eisley Cantina should it be fully funded. The bottom section of the following image represents the Deluxe edition of the set, and the three rightmost figures would only be unlocked with additional target-goal tiers of backers as listed on the project’s website.
Lastly, Hasbro also made an announcement today about another upcoming Star Wars: A New Hope Vintage Collection (3 ¾-inch scale) that has been put into their pipeline ahead of the conclusion of the Cantina campaign: Momaw Nadon, AKA Hammerhead. This figure would not be included in the Cantina playset (nor will the also-pipelined Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, and Chewbacca figures as pictured below), but it will be released later on as a separate purchase.
As of this writing, the HasLab Star Wars The Vintage Collection Mos Eisley Cantina project needs roughly 2,000 more backers by Monday, July 8th in order to go into production. For additional details and to back this campaign, be sure to visit the official Hasbro Pulse website.
Update 6/27: I wanted to include some quotes from yesterday’s presentation that should shed some light on some burning questions that fans and media have had about this HasLab project.
Q: Can you please break down again what is exclusive to the HasLab from a figure standpoint?
Jing Houle (Hasbro marketing): “I see this question a lot, so I’m going to try to be as clear as I can to the community and just give it a little bit more context. For the base characters– Wuher and the Tonnika [Sisters] action figures– will only be available with this The Vintage Collection Mos Eisley Cantina HasLab campaign. [We have] no current plans to release them separately. If we reach our stretch goal tiers– Greedo, Nabrun Leids, and Arleil Schous– will receive exclusive cardbacks that will only be available in this HasLab project. If unlocked, that could mean we may or may not revisit these characters in the future on different cardbacks. [There are] no guarantees on when or if that would happen. If a specific tier is not reached, the figure could still be done in the future on a different cardback, but by unlocking a tier in the HasLab [campaign] that tooling would make it more likely for future reuses in the line."
Q: Many have asked about the lack of flooring for the Cantina. Have you considered adding a cardboard floor?
Chris Reiff (Hasbro design): “We had all sorts of considerations while we were working on this thing, but the HasLab was built for the intention of being modular, and to help fans display your way– however you wanted to do that. The flooring would kind of inhibit that, or at least stick you to one format. Knowing the importance of the figures, we focused our efforts on providing the most figures we could for the HasLab, in the form of tiers and the base offering– we’ve got some really great figures just in the base, and I don’t think we could have done that the same way if we had tried to integrate flooring. The modularity also helps with the displayability. All of those sort of things went into that decision.
Q: Is there space for the Cantina Band (Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes) to perform in this HasLab playset? Some people in the community have been asking if you forgot to include the stage the band was playing on, but it appears that they were standing in an alcove in the movie.
Reiff: “Well, I can confirm there’s not a stage. There never was a stage, technically, in the original Cantina set. But if you check out our YouTube video where Emily and Matt got together and talked, in there you see the Cantina Band from our previous-release figures standing in one of the alcoves. They really did a great job of showing how dense you can get figures in there with them. And the reason for that is the original Cantina Band was actually filmed in Los Angeles [as] pickup shots for the [movie]. [On] the original set, they were never there with Han and Luke and Ben, but they filmed that as a pickup shot, and when they did, they filmed that in a mockup of an alcove."