Photos / Video: “Disney Dreams That Soar” Drone Show Debuts at Disney Springs

Drones have finally returned to the skies over Walt Disney World with tonight’s official debut of “Disney Dreams That Soar" at Disney Springs. Let’s take a look at the first official performance of the brand-new show.

What’s Happening:

  • “Disney Dreams That Soar" presented by AT&T is an all-new drone show that will continue to light up the skies above Disney Springs through September 2nd.
  • The show features characters that either fly or have had dreams of flight, including some rarer characters, such as the Rocketeer and Orange Bird. 800 drones will be featured in the show, all working together to create a massive canvas in the night sky.

Watch NEW DRONE SHOW – "Disney Dreams That Soar"

  • “Disney Dreams That Soar" features well-known and beloved soundtracks in addition to an original song that will inspire you to follow your heart, take a leap of faith, and reach for the stars.
  • Clocking in at just under 10 minutes, the show is a perfect kiss-goodnight to your day of shopping, playing, and dining at Disney Springs.

  • The best place to experience the drones “dancing" to this new soundtrack will be along the waterway in the Disney Springs West Side.
  • Performances take place at 9:00 p.m. and 10:45 p.m. each night, with the viewing area opening at 7:00 p.m. for the first showing.

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