Shanghai Disney Resort Celebrates Summer With Local Ingredients And New Menu Items

Shanghai Disney Resort is celebrating summer with delicious new seasonal dishes.

What’s Happening:

  • Utilizing fresh, seasonal, and local ingredients, Shanghai Disney Resort’s summer is defined by over 30 seasonal dishes available at Lumiere’s Kitchen.
  • The new menu includes five key local ingredients in their new items:
    • Watermelon-Sanlin

  • Chongming Spaghetti Squash

  • Nanhui Honey Peach

  • Pudong 8424 Watermelon
  • Nanhui Luffa

  • Shanghai Disney Resort has worked to engage with local agriculture in Shanghai to create new markets for farmers and to celebrate the community, which continues with this summer’s menu items.

  • These new items will only be available through the end of August, but expect new seasonal delights to appear soon after!

More Shanghai Disney News:

Marshal Knight
Marshal Knight is a pop culture writer based in Orlando, FL. For some inexplicable reason, his most recent birthday party was themed to daytime television. He’d like to thank Sandra Oh.