Disney’s Animal Kingdom Welcomes Bakso, First Sumatran Tiger Cub in Seven Years

Bakso and mother, Sohni, will join the Maharajah Jungle Trek in early 2025.

Disney’s Animal Kingdom has welcomed a critically endangered Sumatran tiger cub, named Bakso, for the first time in seven years.

What’s Happening:

  • Working in participation with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ (AZA) Species Survival Plan (SSP), Disney’s team of animal care experts have welcomed baby Bakso to Disney’s Animal Kingdom.
  • There are sadly less than 600 Sumatran tigers left in the wild and managed care – with Bakso having a big impact on the declining population.
  • The science behind the pregnancy of a Sumatran tiger is thoughtfully planned and closely monitored by the animal care professionals who work behind the scenes to save the critically endangered species.
  • Over the past three months, Disney’s animal care experts meticulously monitored the pregnancy of second-time mom, Sohni.

  • The successful birth followed many ultrasounds and countless blood-work tests, as veterinary teams worked closely with mom Sohni and dad Conrad.
  • Guests will be able to see Bakso grow alongside her mom when they both join the Maharajah Jungle Trek in early 2025, as Sumatran tiger cubs need their mother's care until they are around 18-24 months old.

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