Former ESPN President Honored With Jimmy V. Spirit Award

George Bodenheimer, former president of ESPN, was honored at the 27th Annual V Foundation Wine Celebration which raised more than $10 million, according to ABC7.

What’s Happening:

  • Back in 1993, The V Foundation for Cancer Research, was founded by ESPN and renowned basketball coach Jim Valvano, with a singular mission: to achieve Victory Over Cancer.
  • Since its inception in 1993, after an inspiring speech at that year’s ESPY awards,  the V Foundation has allocated over $353 million in grants for cancer research across the nation, solidifying its position as a leading advocate for cutting-edge cancer research. Through the generosity of donors, the Foundation has an endowment covering administrative expenses, ensuring that 100% of direct contributions support the most promising cancer research conducted by exceptional scientists from diverse backgrounds, investigating various cancer types in all stages of the cancer journey – from the lab to the clinic.
  • At the 27th Annual V Foundation Wine Celebration in Napa Valley on Saturday night, George Bodenheimer, former president of ESPN, was honored with the Jimmy V Spirit Award.
  • By the end of the gala on Saturday night, they raised $10.5 million. The night's event pushed the foundation's fundraising total past $400 million,  all of which is going directly to cancer research.

What They’re Saying:

  • George Bodenheimer: "I'm humbled to receive this award. This Jimmy V Spirit Award. It means an awful lot to me. I love the V Foundation, and to receive this recognition, is truly, I'm honored… It's a lot of hard work for over 30 years to grow it to what it is, and all inspired by that wonderful speech that evening.”
  • Shane Jacobson, the CEO of the V Foundation: "In Jimmy V's famous ESPY speech he said, 'don't give up, don't ever give up,' and we really haven't. He says it takes a truly special person to take home the award having only handed it out a few times. George Bodenheimer embodies the don't ever give-up spirit, he's given his heart and he's given his soul to the V Foundation.”

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Tony Betti
Originally from California where he studied a dying artform (hand-drawn animation), Tony has spent most of his adult life in the theme parks of Orlando. When he’s not writing for LP, he’s usually watching and studying something animated or arguing about “the good ole’ days” at the parks.