This May, "Blood Hunt” takes hold of the Marvel Universe with its own main limited series by Jed MacKay, Pepe Larraz, and Marte Gracia, as well as a bloodbath of spinoff limited series, one-shots, and tie-in issues of ongoing series. Today, Marvel shared an action-packed trailer for the upcoming crossover comic event.
- As eternal night descends, an overwhelming army of bloodsucking terrors will emerge from the shadows, united by a single vision for the first time in millennia.
- Can even the heroes of this doomed world stem the tide of blood that is to come? Join the Avengers, Blade, Bloodline, Spider-Man, Hunter’s Moon, Tigra, Doctor Strange, Clea, and more as the dance of death begins.
- Get a new glimpse at the horror that breaks out during Earth’s final night in an all-new "Blood Hunt” trailer. Featuring never-before-seen artwork, the trailer spotlights the Avengers’ opening battle against the blood sucking hordes as well as some of the thrilling upcoming tie-ins.
- When the vampires' reign begins, fans can look the part by visiting participating comic shops and picking up special vampire teeth!
- These teeth will be available in-stores on the same date of "Blood Hunt #1,” May 1, while supplies last. And that’s not all: each pair of teeth will come packaged with an exclusive "Blood Hunt” trading card!
- Preorder "Blood Hunt #1″ at your local comic shop today and stay tuned in the weeks ahead for more news about the event!