TV Recap and Review: “Tell Me Lies” Season 2, Episode 4 – ‘Just Stable Children’ is Waving the Red Flag that Bree Has Become


Stephen (Jackson White) is riding along with Wrigley (Spencer House) and Evan (Branden Cook) daydreaming. Stephen doesn’t want to stop for fast food and wants to get back to school to study for the LSAT. The boys are distracted in the car and almost have a head on collision with an oncoming truck. Evan and Wrigley shake it off, but the memory of what happened to Macy haunts Stephen, and he is visibly upset.

In class, Stephen and the rest of his class are told to think about the worst thing they have ever done. (There is not enough space in this recap to list the awful things that Stephen has done.) Diana (Alicia Crowder) is sitting next to Stephen and wondering why her boyfriend is not participating in the class discussion. After class, Diana asks Stephen if he is okay. She wonders if he knows what the worst thing he’s ever done. Stephen gets sentimental and says the worst thing he has ever done is cheat on her. (Diana, Stephen has done a lot worse than that. You should know your boyfriend better.)

Lucy (Grace Van Patten) and Leo (Thomas Doherty) are naked and getting to know each other. Bree (Catherine Missal) and Oliver (Tom Ellis) are also spending some time ‘relaxing’ and getting to know more about each other. Bree makes some comment about his freckles, and the professor states that he thinks they are a result of sun damage. Oliver asks Bree what it’s like to have this much power over him. Though she doubts this statement, Oliver states that because of her he is risking his entire career and marriage. (It’s clear that Oliver has fallen for Bree, and this cannot end well for Bree.)

Pippa (Sonia Mena) is spending time with her dad, and he is happy that the semester has started off well. When Pippa’s dad sees Wrigley and warmly greets him, it becomes apparent to Wrigley that she never told her dad they broke up. The former jock can read between the lines and plays along for Pippa’s sake. He even invents the lie that he’s thinking of going to law school next year. Her father leaves, and Pippa thanks her former boyfriend for playing along.

Leo leaves Lucy’s room and she is quite happy. At class, Bree is staring intently at Marianne (Gabriella Pession) as she delivers her lecture, while Lucy wonders what’s going on with her friend. Bree is starting to mimic the hand movements and gestures of Marianne. When the professor hands back their papers, she compliments Lucy and takes a dig at Bree for her grade. Oliver enters to get something from his wife, and Bree is transfixed by his presence. (Bree, you look like a crazy person.)

Evan passes Bree in the stairwell, and while the ex-boyfriend is delighted to see her, Bree is less than enthused to see him. Later at coffee, Bree asks Lucy why she thinks so highly of Marianne. Lucy admires Marianne’s intelligence and her strength, and Bree keeps questioning her friend. Bree wants to know why she got a B on her assignment, and Lucy tries to advise her friend to meet with Marianne to get some extra help. Pippa arrives and wonders how Lucy’s date with Leo went. She can’t stop talking about how much she likes him. Pippa makes a joke at Bree’s expense, and she is not taking the ribbing kindly.

Stephen and Diana are studying, and it’s driving Wrigley crazy. He asks Stephen what he should do after he graduates. Stephen advises that he would be great in sales, but the two friends are interrupted when Evan comes in upset that Bree practically looked right through him on the stairwell. He wants to know if he will always be blamed for one bad mistake. Evan then uses Stephen as an example of all the bad things he has done and continues to succeed. Wrigley and Diana laugh at this statement. When the guys try to tell Evan Bree is not a good person and he could do better, they seek Diana’s input, and she refuses to comment on anything connected to that group of girls and their psychotic blond leader (Lucy). (I think I like Diana more and more. Lucy is psychotic. I think.)

Hoping to get Wrigley to take out Evan for a night of fun, it takes a moment for the former jock to jump into the fray and support his sad single pal. Stephen advises Diana to try and set up Evan with one of her friends, so that they don’t have to deal with Lucy or any other sophomore girl coming around them.

Bree shows up at Marianne’s office wondering if she has some office hours to discuss her paper. Walking into the office, the sophomore has lost touch with reality and spends too much time focused on the pictures of Oliver and Marianne. The professor tries to tell Bree not to worry about the paper, because the mark is just a small portion of her final grade. They agree to meet on Monday because Bree is on scholarship and wants to maintain her grades. (I take it back, Lucy is normal, Bree is acting like the psycho. Her demeanor in the office with Marianne is a dead giveaway that something is wrong with her. Also, Marianne is a great character. She is my new favorite.)

Lucy and Leo are playing pool and while they are enjoying the time together, Leo calls over Evan. When a very attractive girl talks to Leo, Lucy wants to know who she is. Wondering why he didn’t introduce her to the girl, Lucy encourages Leo to take her home, because she does not want to interact with Evan.

While getting drinks, Wrigley tries to talk about his encounter with Pippa, and Evan shuts him down. Evan is hitting it off with one of Diana’s friends, and Wrigley watches from the sidelines. Back in her room, Lucy tells Leo that she doesn’t want to wait anymore and wants to have sex. Lucy lets some of the poison that Stephen infected her with ruin the moment with Leo. (No, I take it back, Lucy is a psycho.) She pushes Leo to the point where he claims that she shouldn’t lump him in with how other guys are. Leo tells her that they shouldn’t have sex the first time when they are fighting, and Lucy decides to leave. (What’s the matter with you Lucy?)

Evan is trying his best to rebound from Bree. Promising not to disappear from the girl, Evan closes the tab at the bar, and poor Wrigley is left alone at the bar. He impulsively texts Pippa.

Meanwhile, Bree is crazily stocking Marianne online and Pippa gets the text from Wrigley. She meets up with him in his room, there is an awkwardness between the two. Wrigley tells Pippa how sorry he is again for how his teammates acted, and that Diana told him off for his behavior, Pippa is surprised to hear of the support from Diana. Pippa also asks if Wrigley was serious about law school, and he laughs it off saying he wanted her dad to think he had a plan for after college.

Pippa wonders if Wrigley thinks this is a booty call, and he says no. He tells her that he wants to understand what happened with the letter last year. Wrigley needs to know what happened, so he can move on, because he’s tired of being angry with her. Pippa tells her that she didn’t write the letter that exposed his brother Drew’s involvement in Macy’s death. Pippa says that she’s not that type of person, and wonders if Wrigley thinks that’s who she is.

Desperate to know who wrote it, Wrigley tells Pippa that if it wasn’t her, then who was it. Almost nobody knew what happened to Drew, and Pippa wonders if he can really trust Stephen. Stephen is his best friend, and when Pippa offers to leave, Wrigley asks her to stay awhile, to which she agrees.

At Diana’s, Stephen spends his time studying his notes, and when she suggests they get some sleep, Stephen tells her he has no backup plan. Diana assures him that he won’t need one because he has her and her dad. (Oh Diana, you obviously don’t know Stephen that well. Or you haven’t read ahead in the script.)

The next morning, Evan’s date says she had a good time, and Evan promises to call her. He even promises to make her breakfast, and she stays the morning. Bree comes storming into Lucy’s room. She needs to tell her something. Bree demands that Lucy don’t judge her and that she needs Lucy to tell her that what she tells her is ok. (This is going to be good.) Naturally, Lucy agrees. When Bree tells her about sleeping with Oliver, Lucy’s jaw practically hits the floor. Shocked, Lucy wonders if he pressured her, Bree says that it’s nothing like that. (Bree is head over heels in love with Oliver, and this is not going to be a good thing for poor Bree. She will not handle being the mistress for long.)

Bree feels terrible because of how great Marianne is. However, Bree feels like this relationship with Oliver is meant to be. (Oh god, this is going to be a MAJOR disaster.) Bree is relieved to talk about it, and has Lucy promise that she doesn’t tell Pippa.

In the classroom, Stephen and Diana start their LSAT exam. Afterward, Diana is confident, and Stephen is less than sure. In need of water, he has a mini seizure, and Diana takes him to the hospital. (Does Stephen have an evil gene? Is he self-destructing? I sure hope so.) The doctor tells Stephen that it looks like he had a panic attack, to which the lothario denies being possible. The doctor also points out that there was a small fracture on his rib and asks Stephen if he knows where that came from. (He broke it in the car accident that killed Macy. Diana, you have proof now. The best part is that the doctor mentions it could be from a car wreck. Oh, how glorious this is to watch,) Diana knows that what Lucy told him was the truth.

Oliver meets up with Bree, and she demands that he say sorry for walking into her class. He does and states that it won’t happen again. Bree also wants to spend the night with him. Promising to work on that, they kiss again. (Oliver, you should end this relationship now. This is your major red flag warning.)

Back at her room, Diana and Stephen enter quietly, and he plans to have a shower. Diana decides to look through Stephen’s computer history and finds a picture of Macy naked. She deleted them permanently from his computer. (Accessory or denial, either way it looks terrible on Diana.) Stephen comes out of the shower and thanks Diana for taking care of him today. (He has no idea how much she has taken care of him.) He says he would go insane without her, and that Diana is the most important thing in his life. (Thing? Is that the word to use to describe your girlfriend?) With a classic Han Solo response, Diana says she knows, and that everything is ok. (No, it is not!)

Lucy is lying in her bed feeling terrible about herself when she goes to Leo’s place. He’s happy to see her, and Lucy apologizes for how terrible last night went. Leo wants to move on, but she won’t let herself off the hook that easily. She tells him that she’s not used to being with someone who is not lying to her. (I hope Leo isn’t a liar.) Leo tells her that he’s not good with all the up and down behavior because that was what it was like in his house when he was a kid.

She tells Leo that she’s sorry for comparing him to other guys. The tension seems to have melted away, as they move right into having sex.


Some much-needed character development for Leo. He is a bright spot amongst the male characters so far, and I hope Thomas Doherty continues to be the good guy in the story.

Catherine Missal has practically transformed with her performance. This is not the same Bree from last year, and the depth and layers added to the kind, sweetly Bree is a much-needed boost to the character. I know Bree is going to have a bad semester at school, and I look forward to the destruction.

I don’t want Pippa and Wrigley to get back together, and thankfully their meeting did not end up as a booty call.

Bill Gowsell
Bill Gowsell has loved all things Disney since his first family trip to Walt Disney World in 1984. Since he began writing for Laughing Place in 2014, Bill has specialized in covering the Rick Riordan literary universe, a retrospective of the Touchstone Pictures movie library, and a variety of other Disney related topics. When he is not spending time with his family, Bill can be found at the bottom of a lake . . . scuba diving